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NEGATIVE: Bad/Painful transaction with G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY

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Old 04-01-2008, 09:44 AM
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Thumbs down NEGATIVE: Bad/Painful transaction with G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY

PARTS Brought: Used, OEM RX-8 Wheels (18”)
Amount: $500/shipped
Description of transaction:

Not quite sure where to start this, and this will no doubt be a lengthy piece, but I guarantee you it will be an informative read. To summarize the transaction, I was searching for a set of used RX-8 wheels, and G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY (from here on out referred to as ‘James’) sent me a Private Message (PM) indicating that he had a used set of RX-8 for me, for the tune of $500/shipped.

We discussed the fact that the rims had undergone some aesthetic abuse (read: curb rash and scratching), but that structurally the wheels were sound (read: I was assured the wheels had absolutely no bends or cracks in them)

Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
no cracks or bends, just like i said one wheel has some scratches on the side you would need to repaint. And yes, comes with center caps.
When I received the wheels, I notice almost immediately after unpacking them that one of the wheels has TWO (2) visible bends on the inside lip.

Originally Posted by xtmesisx
Hey James,

I got the wheels delivered a few days ago, but I was away for the week, and just opened them up yesterday. I hate to be a nitpicker, but you seem like a cool enough that I figured we could discuss this. The one rim that needs to be repainted appears to have two minor bends in it. I was under the impression that there were no bends in any of them, so I just wanted to bring that to your attention as I was surprised to see that.

Happy Easter/Regular Old Sunday (depending on your religious affiliations),

I take the wheels to my mechanic in the meantime to get the summer tires mounted (Monday), and the next day I am informed by the mechanic that 2 of the wheels are badly bent, one wheel has a distinct wobble to it, and the remaining rim was ‘okay.’ The mechanic then proceeded to tell me that he wouldn’t mount the tires because he didn’t feel the were safe/adequate enough to drive on.

I PM ‘James’ again, informing him that the situation has escalated, and that we need to talk.

Originally Posted by xtmesisx
I'm not sure if you got my last message, but I just got a call from my mechanic and he said that he put the wheels on the balancer, and 2 are bent pretty bad, 1 has a slight wobble, and 1 is "okay."

I'm going to take the to Wheel Collision (Bath, PA, they have a website, they do some pretty awesome stuff) to get straightened out and what not, so I wondering if you wouldn't mind refunding some money to help cover the cost of the repairs, since I was under the impression there were no bends in the rims.
Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
Hey man- all i do is part out cars, ive never actually driven on these wheels and from my eye i cant notice any bends. I dont have any warranty on items as im not a mazda dealership or anything... just a guy with a basement. I can help you find some other wheels to replace those especially the scratched one, but for the price you paid i cant refund any money to make any thing off of them or make it worth the sell. There are a few wheels on here for 130 to 150 in great condition. There are also a set for 1k in great condition. Let me know if you want me to find you two. Thanks
Originally Posted by xtmesisx
I understand that you've never driven around on these wheels, but what I'm trying to say is that when I looked at the wheels as soon as I got them, I could tell that one was bent in 2 spots. And that was after about 3 seconds of looking. I don't believe that I have some extraordinary ability to detect bends in rims....It was fairly obvious.

I also realize that you're not a mazda dealership, but I'm not asking for a warranty here. I'm asking you to make right on a misinformed product you sold me. You told me that there were no bends in the rims, and I took your word for it because I had no way of verifying that. That's your responsibility as the seller, not mine.

I'm sorry that you won't be making as much money on the rims as you'd like, but the fact of the matter is, the product you described to me and the product I received are not the same. And I'm pretty sure I stand to lose more money than you, but that's neither here nor there.

And I believe the last part of your message is insinuating that I take a $500 dollar hit, and give you MORE money to buy MORE rims to replace the original ones you sold me. I'm sorry, but had you done your homework and known that these rims were in such rough shape we wouldn't be in this predicament.

I'm not looking for free rims. It's going to cost me a significant amount of money to get the wheels road ready, and I wouldn't have purchased the rims if I had this information before the transaction.

Like I said before, my mechanic stated that two of the rims are bent badly (ie not road ready), 1 has a distinct wobble, and the last one is okay. (Basically I'm left with only one good rim if I don't pay to get them repaired.)

Please let me know how you'd like to proceed.
Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
Yea im really busy at the moment. i know you think im ignoring you but im not... i do sleep. I dont know what you want me to do about the wheels. I wasnt aware of the bends or else i wouldnt have sold them. Since you found them now, yes im sorry, but i cant just refund every part thats not perfect because none of my parts are perfect. You had pictures of the wheels and could see what i see. I didn't take them to a shop to get balanced because it's not a concern of mine and didnt seem to be a problem. What do you want me to about the situation?
Originally Posted by xtmesisx
I understand that not all of your parts are perfect because you sell used parts. But as a businessman, you should know that you need to accurately describe items that you're selling.

In regards to your statement about "getting them balanced," I'm appalled at your utter lack of concern for your customers. If you're going to sell wheels to ANYONE and say they aren't bent, you better make DAMN SURE that they're not because your reputation relies on it. You cannot just assume they're not bent, especially when one of them had OBVIOUS bends in it, when the wheels are used. Due to your lack of "concern," I'm now stuck with $500 worth of aluminum and 4 18" tires with nothing to put them on (read: stock 17s).

Had you actually looked at the rims, you would have been able to see that there was a problem. By stating that the wheels had "had cracks or bendsperfect except for the scratches," you opened yourself up to a huge liability being that the wheels were used. And I don't even want to get into the fact that the amount of curb rashes contained on the rest of wheels was grossly underestimated, as it's a moot point right now.

But I'm not going to lecture you on business practices/ethics anymore. Basically, I'm looking for you to make this situation right. I'm willing to accept a partial refund of $200 to help fray the cost of fixing the wheels (which won't be able to be driven on safely or without excessive vibration), seeing as how it's more than likely the cost of repair will far exceed the amount of $200. A second option would be a full refund and you get the wheels back.

It's really up to you. I'd prefer the first option, as it would be a lot easier for both of us (probably more so for you than me).

Like I said, I want this to be as equitable as possible for both of us, and I'm simply trying to displace the burden fairly and evenly.

Let me know where you stand.

Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
i will refund 150 as one wheel was worth 100 and one was worth 50, other than that i could have been better off just selling the two perfect wheels for 300 plus shipping which would have been easier.
Originally Posted by xtmesisx
$150 for the 2 wheels sounds fair enough, though I'm asking for $200 not to try and screw you out of money, but because I'm going to have to get 3 wheels fixed which will cost ~$270, at a conservatively estimated at $90/wheel. Contrary to your idea that only 2 of the wheels are damaged cand 2 are "perfect" (which is a far cry from your original "no bends or cracks" communique), I will be needing to get three (3) wheels fixed. And like I said in the last email, you're descriptive techniques in regards to the amount of curb rash contained on ALL the wheels (not just the one bad one we discussed) have some room for improvement to say the least, but this isn't what were talking about (and that is NOT included in the estimate to get the curb rash fixed, as I will be paying for that out of pocket).

[It should also be noted that had you just sold to two rims to another buyer, which i gave you the option to do, you still would have run into a problem because the other party would have received one DECENT (read: not perfect) rim and one damaged wheel.]

So just to reiterate, even if you were to reimburse me $200, which, based on our previous interactions, I highly doubt will happen, I'm still taking a loss of $70-100 (before fixing curb rash) just to help make this issue as financially painless as possible. Evidence of my genuine attempts at solving this amicably are show by the simple fact that I COULD have taken much more drastic measures in the form of a chargeback or legal action (as this entire transaction falls under the category of fraud, deceptive sales, and/or just plain old shitty business practices), and I would have been entirely justified in doing so.

If you really want to haggle $50 dollars from a poor college student, then go ahead. But just remember the old adage of "what goes around comes around" while you're doing it.

If you'd like proof of how damaged the wheels are, I will be taking a video of them all on the balancer tomorrow morning, as well as photographing the visible bends, and would be more than happy to show them to you.

Please send the reimbursement to, and don't hesitate to add a few bucks on top to cover the paypal fees.
Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
dude if you wanted absolute perfect wheels then go to mazda and pay 430 each for them, im not here to hear your sad college student stories. Im a college student myself so dont worry, i understand. I am in fact tempted now to not refund you at all just because of your poor attitude. And for the harsh comments, the refund will come in a few days. Legal actions are non-existant as you paid for wheels, which i shipped. Paypal is no longer involved. Trying to justify your repair costs once again has nothing to do with the transaction as the deal was never to get a full set of perfect "no rash whatsoever" wheels so it was already assumed the repairs by you or to just live with it like most people. Expect either a 150.00 refund sometime in a few days or if you have further comments expect none. Thanks
Originally Posted by xtmesisx
Look man, I'm not trying to start anything with you. I obviously did not want "perfect" wheels by any means, as I wouldn't wouldn't have purchased these wheels because they're they were scratched the hell up.

I did, however, expect to purchase unbent (read: straight) wheels, and you said you would provide that, and you did not.

For the last time, the reason that I'm demanding a refund is because THREE of the wheels you sent me are bent, when you told me they would be straight. Hence my grounds for legal action.

The only one here with a bad attitude now is you, so don't act like I'm being/have been a *****, because I've done nothing wrong. Please don't threaten me.

I would appreciate it if you would handle this in a timely and adult-like manner.

End PMs

It is at this point that he started a thread in this same forum, bashing me, accusing me of “slander” [sic], saying that I wasn’t happy with my wheels because of the curb rash on them, and that I was an all around bad guy and pain in the *** (my words, not his exact words, but you get the point), and people should seriously consider not doing business with me. (It should be noted that I did bring up the fact that he understated the amount of curb rash on the wheels, but that it was an aside and a moot point, considering how badly the wheels were bent.)

When the thread turned against him, it magically disappeared. << Right click to download the old thread (changed to pdf)

edit: James' original thread is back from the dead....

He then PM’d me saying the money ($150) would be in my account on Monday (yesterday), and I received the money around 11PM last night.

I have since dropped the wheels off at Wheel Collision, and will post the estimate on repair after I get a phone call from them.

Wheel 1 - Bend 1
Wheel 1 - Bend 2

A history of my all PMs (up until james' thread about me) can be seen here >>

It has been edited only to remove sensitive information (like locations and emails). If you question my honesty, credibility, or intent, feel free to glance through it.

It should also be noted that ‘James’ no longer wants me to send him private messages.

Okay, that’s the long and short of it all. Will update as necessary.

Last edited by xtmesisx; 04-01-2008 at 01:49 PM. Reason: fixed typos
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Old 04-01-2008, 09:52 AM
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I'm still waiting for a refund that was promised for an ECU, last year.

"Bought" off some loser who was parting a car, Greddguy bought all the pieces & stock and said he would handle all the pending sales and refunds, but chose to sell the ECU with the engine, to someone else.

Still waiting.......

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Old 04-01-2008, 10:10 AM
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heh, if u hang around the for sale place long enough, you can tell that gredd does. he will pounce on the cheap cheap deals especially part cars, and part it out for a profit later. he is not a vendor, and most stuff he sell i doubt he even owns more than a week. those rims were soo bent that it would take an idiot to not see it -.-
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by xsnipersgox
heh, if u hang around the for sale place long enough, those rims were soo bent that it would take an idiot to not see it -.-
i sent him those same pictures, but he never acknowledged them.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:14 AM
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wow those are pretty noticeable bends...
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:20 AM
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Ya'll should read the thread the "James" posted. It's pretty awesome watching him squirm when no-one backs him.

This whole transaction was pretty shitty. I would have gotten a full refund and return shipping, personally. This ******* got off lightly for only having to send back $150.

Hopefully this will get enough people's attention to save them from dealing with this dirtbag.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:22 AM
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holy ****!!!!....those wheels are in really bad shape...........I sold my wheels on here a while back........they were in incredible shape.....with only mild curb rash. but they were deffinately straight and sold them for 500. Wow.....i guess thats the issue with internet just never know what you are going to have to hold the seller to his/her word. I read thru all of the treads and posts and I think 150 is less than what you deserve back. Frankly, the two wheels should have never been sold in the first place. Anyways, sorry to hear you are out of pocket some cash.........but thats horrible, theres no way those bends could have been missed before selling them to you. guess we all know who to boycott on here
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:25 AM
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ahhh....can't stop myself from looking at the pics of the bent wheels....driving me nuts.......I would never sell **** like that.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:29 AM
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Thanks for the heads up. I will make sure to never deal with this moron.

If he did not notice the bends it's simply because he never looked at the rims. I don’t care how bad your eye sight is those are HIGHLY noticeable!
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:32 AM
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By reading all of this,I would contact paypal and file a dispute and then contact an attorney.This boils down to internet fraud and should not be taken lightly as it is a federal crime since I am assuming it is across state lines.Give him 48 hours to comply with a full refund and a call tag for returning the wheels or just stick it to him legally and thru paypal.

I am a new member to this forum and after reading this it makes me wonder if I want to be a part of it.Such a shame that a scammer gets away with this,looks like it has not been the first time either since Stealth TL has a complaint from a year ago....
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:36 AM
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Yeah, I want to go on the record and say that I am NOT happy with $150 refund, and I am definitely getting screwed six ways to sunday.

I gave him the option of $200, or a full refund, and he opted for neither.

The best part is, my pal Jimmy here thinks he's done NOTHING wrong. Or at least hasn't admitted it.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY
Hey man- all i do is part out cars, ive never actually driven on these wheels and from my eye i cant notice any bends.
Those bends are as plain as day!!!!
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:38 AM
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Originally Posted by xtmesisx
Yeah, I want to go on the record and say that I am NOT happy with $150 refund, and I am definitely getting screwed six ways to sunday.

I gave him the option of $200, or a full refund, and he opted for neither.

The best part is, my pal Jimmy here thinks he's done NOTHING wrong. Or at least hasn't admitted it.
I think you're being more than reasonable with the $200 option if it's going to cost more than that to fix the bend on the rims. You could technically ask for the entire repair cost to fix the bends.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:39 AM
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:46 AM
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yeah, i'd file a complaint w/ paypal and get a full refund. send him his trash back and call it a day. if you look around here long enough you can find a good set for $500 from a reputable seller. this is just **** poor. i'm glad he didn't have the parts i needed after reading this, that's for sure.
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Old 04-01-2008, 10:48 AM
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It blows me away that he would rather keep $200 and ruin his reputation.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:00 AM
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That was a shady sale. His lame attempt to discredit you was nothing more than a preemptive attack knowing that it was inevitable that you were going to "blacklist" his ***.

Thanks for letting all of us know. If he doesnt rectify the situation, then you can count on his activity on this site to dwindle. I applaud your being courteous throughout the whole thing. At very least he should buy back the 2 wheels that were clearly sold under false pretense. Nothing less should suffice. If its worth a couple hundred bux to him to have his reputation run through the mud then he obviously doesnt know **** about good business (or about ethics/honor), and your $250 just saved many us the heartache of dealing with him.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Bootleg
yeah, i'd file a complaint w/ paypal and get a full refund. send him his trash back and call it a day. if you look around here long enough you can find a good set for $500 from a reputable seller. this is just **** poor. i'm glad he didn't have the parts i needed after reading this, that's for sure.
from what i read, paypal doesn't do **** for you unless you buy things on ebay. it's in the fine print.

my other option would be a credit card charge back, but i would never pay to ship these rims back, and can definitely foresee him not covering the return shipping.
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Old 04-01-2008, 11:40 AM
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Originally Posted by turborx8
It blows me away that he would rather keep $200 and ruin his reputation.
it's quite astonishing.

Originally Posted by jones75254
and your $250 just saved many us the heartache of dealing with him.
that's how i'm justifying the situation to myself.

Originally Posted by Rems31
I think you're being more than reasonable with the $200 option if it's going to cost more than that to fix the bend on the rims. You could technically ask for the entire repair cost to fix the bends.
but then he wouldn't make any money on the sale.....
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:01 PM
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the BIGGER question is.... is greddy ACTUALLY a forum vendor??? I asked this recently and he said he was 'working on it' but I think it's absolute BULLSHIT that he can sell a million parts on here while the rest of the vendors pay an annual membership to do this.
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:18 PM
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wow, another one bites the dust. I can't understand how he was all "I won't make as much money on the deal", I recently sold my 2 front tires for 150 shipped, 143 is what I ended up with, it cost me 144 to ship them to Canada to the person I sold them too. In my case, 150 was the agreed upon price, so I ate the whole thing as I think that was the right thing to do and I think it would be nuts to contact the buyer and ask for more $ etc. This dude should have done the same, and ate the cost instead of keeping the $ and ducking everything.

People just don't get it, all you have in life is your word and your integrity, take away your car, your house, everything, and ultimately that's all you have, maybe it's just me, but 200 bucks out of 500 on a shitty deal to somewhat salvage that seems like such a small small itty bitty price to pay compared to what's lost by not doing that instead.
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:26 PM
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I never knew Greddy was that shitty of a seller. Those rims look fucked! Any idiot can see that.
I hope that paypal refunds you back man!
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:30 PM
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Originally Posted by imput1234
I hope that paypal refunds you back man!
like i said in one of my posts above, if you look at the fine print, paypal only covers you if you buy things on ebay. you can dispute it with them, and they'll mediate, but they won't refund you, and they won't guarantee you get any money.

Last edited by xtmesisx; 04-01-2008 at 12:32 PM. Reason: typos
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Old 04-01-2008, 12:44 PM
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like you said, if you paid through paypal with a credit card then i would have the credit card company deal with it. they will take care of everything. just give them a call.
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Old 04-01-2008, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by canaryrx8
wow, another one bites the dust. I can't understand how he was all "I won't make as much money on the deal", I recently sold my 2 front tires for 150 shipped, 143 is what I ended up with, it cost me 144 to ship them to Canada to the person I sold them too. In my case, 150 was the agreed upon price, so I ate the whole thing as I think that was the right thing to do and I think it would be nuts to contact the buyer and ask for more $ etc. This dude should have done the same, and ate the cost instead of keeping the $ and ducking everything.

People just don't get it, all you have in life is your word and your integrity, take away your car, your house, everything, and ultimately that's all you have, maybe it's just me, but 200 bucks out of 500 on a shitty deal to somewhat salvage that seems like such a small small itty bitty price to pay compared to what's lost by not doing that instead.
same thing happened to me with my oem airbox.....I sold it for 50 with shipping and it cost me 48 to ship it. It's the right thing to do....when you give your word you keep it....plain and simple.
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