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huzer21 12-09-2008 02:13 PM

Rust? Here? Seems odd that a dealer would say they are seeing a lot of "uncared for" cars, when people are bringing them TO the dealer, presumably for some sort of service. Of course, they could be talking about trade ins, I s'pose.

exsequor 12-09-2008 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by JRichter (Post 2759323)
Really? Surprised to here the NS-II's perform pretty good in snow. Was tempted to get these because of good price but assumed they would not be very good in snow/ice. Let us know how they do tomorrow too. You get your plugs in alright - still haven't done mine.

I'm suprised as well, but honestly it feels just as good as any SUV/truck/fwd i've owned except when it comes to certain inclines like steep driveways where you just cant get momentum safely. But yea i've put as many miles as possible in the little snow we've had this winter. I even ventured to research & powers area last night but went south as soon as I had the chance. Nankang NS-IIs own the shit out of sport tires in the snow at least... actually they're a lot more grippy then I expected. An overall better tire for $65 a piece then I expected.

Tayninh 12-10-2008 04:09 PM

What? Snows for $65 a piece? That sounds real good. I've heard that someone has copied the tread pattern of Blizzacks and selling them 1/2 the price. I think they are Komoto's.

Yeah that was the first thing that came to my mind when the service guy mentioned rust. Like, What rust? He was just commenting that the RXs coming in have been mistreated is what I got out of his comments. Lots of brake dust was also mentioned. Well, mine gets that too but I wash it when the weather is nice and it will get a wash this Saturday. I saw an RX-8 Blue last night in Centennial with NY tags and he seemed to negotiate the ice and snow ok. He was a bit slower than me and gave lots of room to the next car he was following. At one point I was in front of him and by the time I looked in the rear view mirror another car had already pulled in front of him and was close behind me. Folks should be careful though in this crappy stuff in the Denver area with temps in the 20s. This morning there was black ice in some spots but seemed ok for driving. I picked up my All Seasons they took off today. Didn't want them stolen. The tire dealer had them inside in bags by the counter so that was a good spot. If they left them in the garage that might have been an open invite for a steal perhaps. They do a lot of business and this time of the year more so with our snows. One is coming in I think this Sunday. Right! that's because my car will be washed then and so we would not want to keep it clean for more than one day.

yeah I still shocked the Mazda dealer was selling the snows cheaper than anyone else so far. I got a bit of a sick feeling since I just bought mine and thought I had a fair deal considering the other tire dealers. I noticed in our manual that if the car is driven in ice or snow, then snow tires are needed until the winter has passed. Mine dumb engine coolent light came on yesterday so I added a little water to the overflow tank up front. I need to keep a spare Anitfreeze container around for that purpose. I thought the light was the battery but it did not have the + or - signs on the light so it was the low coolent condition noted. It went off after I drove it for a few seconds.

Tayninh 12-15-2008 04:32 PM

Well CO Drivers. Man was it ever cold this morning. First time I have had the RX out in this kind of weather. It was what minus 18 degrees at DIA this morning? When I was driving to work this morning the outside temp gage for the RX was reading minus 6. It did ok on ice but you had to baby it and leave lots of room between the next car. On one section of the road when I started to stop the car did a slow slide side ways towards the curb but I kept it slow and so no crashes into the curb. With 18" low profile snows I would hate to see the wheel bill for repairs. I found myself gripping the wheel tight as it was a bit stressful driving. I just do not trust the car. Anyway, the SUVs were having a time of it on ice as well but that did not make me feel any better. Since this car will not go through any snow or ice with anything but snows, it makes you feel a little less secure when that's the tire that works for the car. The heater is not a good one as I had to keep it on 3 speed but used outside air. Inside air fogged up the windows which required the defrosters on. Still the heat wasn't real bad or good and it was ok is all I can say for the car heater. The seat warmers worked fine. My drivers side windshield washer nozzle froze but the passenger sidde worked ok. At noon when I took it out for lunch at 8 degrees outside, both washers were working. Car starts up fine in these very low temps with a new battery. A Chevy Tahoe had a little hard time taking off on a slight hill but I think it was simply he was over confident and gunned it too much for sliding take off. As long as I was very light and gradual with the pedal the car went straight. Only one time do I remember the rear starting to give and the yellow swerve light came on but just a second or so. Funny, I can feel the car sliding just before that light comes on. How did the rest of you fair with this mornings drive?

exsequor 12-15-2008 06:34 PM

Well fellow COLORADIANs...todays morning was a test. pretty much a compression check by mother nature. I passed. :)

JRichter 12-16-2008 08:58 AM

My trip to work wasn't too bad yesterday - just took it slow. I got lazy and never moved my car to the garage Sunday night so when I went to start it it took a little longer (about 10-15 seconds), got worried there for a second but sure enough it fired up. The temp read -6 when I finally started it that morning.

exsequor 12-16-2008 11:52 AM

Im really suprised by these tires lol. Yesterday was pretty icy, but nothing bad. The liberty bus parking lot was pretty fuckin fun the other night I must say.

JRichter 12-16-2008 04:55 PM

Lol, you can have a blast in the icy parking lots in the 8 plus you learn a little car control w/o being on the streets - just watch out for light poles. :) You can't beat the price of those NS-II's. Just ordered another set of Kumho ASX's. A website (tireseasy.com) had them for $83 compared to almost $150 that Discount Tire wanted them for. The website will ship your tires to a local installer for you. Well, Discount Tire was listed as one so when I called them to check on this, they said they would match the price and have them in from Denver in 1 to 2 days. I guess these tire places are pretty competitive these days.

exsequor 12-17-2008 02:40 PM

yea nankang NS-II's are like $70 a pop from Tire King. They'll specifically pick up the tires from the intown warehouse for you before you get there. They're pretty cool.

I ended up buying two off ebay for $65 a piece and like two from them (tire king) for almost cheaper if you factor shipping..

Tayninh 12-18-2008 08:55 PM

Good tire deals are to be had with patience looking for them. Interesting that Discount matched the lower price.

Well stupid me again, I watched 9 News and I thought they said snow in the mountains and just a few flurries for the front range. Oh thanks 9 News. I had my 8 washed Wednesday night and then Thursday coming home the car looked worst than on Wed. I hate that white salty stuff on the side of the car so I had it washed. So tonight I took buckets of warm water and threw it on the car to get some of the mud and yuk from the streets off the car and then I dried it off. Foolish? Well Saturday is expected to be frigid cold again and so no way of getting the car cleaned. Sunday is expected to hit a high of 8 degrees.

I hate winter driving and all this crap on the streets we have to contend with. I should move to Florida and deal with rust.

huzer21 12-18-2008 10:45 PM

Be happy it's not the northeast, where the roads are white from salt. The white stuff on your car here, at least, is not salt.

JRichter 12-19-2008 09:53 AM

I can't help but powerwash the grime off my car even knowing it will be back on their the next day. What scared me yesterday afternoon was the 40mph wind gusts blowing all the street grit and sand into the side of my car hard enough to hear it from the inside. I had to repark my car in between two SUV's to try to block most of it. It was a windy SOB around here yesterday.

exsequor 12-19-2008 02:17 PM

I try an do it too. Got a damned 12" crack in my window that I was able to get "sort of" repaired yesterday. It was for free though. And thats cuz I'd much rather have a slightly visible, repaired crack, then have to pay my deductible atm for a new windshield =P.

Damn sand & sub zero weather! I'm pretty sure that was the fastest ive ever seen a chip turn to a crack.

Tayninh 12-20-2008 03:04 PM

I've seen it numerous times where the little ding out of the windshield turns into a nice cracked one real fast. Ususally when you shoot a power washer to it in the winter. I just checked my oil and now I have this brown glue like substance at the top of the dip stick. Never seen a car do that before. Must be the rotary design? Yes I am glad we are not in the NE where they throw salt on the road ways. That really messes us a car in quick order. I lived there for 40 some years so I know. I had a 79 Dodge stationwagon once and the first thing I did when I bought it was have the panels and rockpanels coated in tar. They drilled holes to put in the tar. Several years later other wagons were rusting out badly in the back and several owners wanted to know how come mine wasn't even showing any rust. Then I told them I had the tar treatment. Todays car metals don't need that there I think. Here we get the mag cholride white stuff that will put a number on rubber components so its wise to get a power wash under the car when you take it to the car wash.

parkpy 12-22-2008 10:01 AM

The RX8 is, without a doubt, the worst adverse weather car I've owned:P

In dry weather, you'll find me keeping up with traffic.

In snow and ice conditions, i'll be tailing semi-trucks that have much better traction than I do.

-Has Hankook W300s. Hope to get better snows next time.

DarthRX8 12-22-2008 10:35 AM

I was washing my 8 at the Fort Carson, DIY wash yesterday afternoon and the soap and water was freezing before I could rinse it off....:Eyecrazy:

Just like JRichter said, even though I know it will snow in a few days I have to wash my baby.

huzer21 12-22-2008 01:34 PM

While it's far from the best, the 8 isn't the worst thing ever in the snow (I've had some that are worse). However, I didn't get the 8 for its winter prowess.

Tayninh 12-22-2008 05:28 PM

That's true the 8 just isnt' a winter car. Heater is inadequate, driving is a course is stress management and so forth. Well I planned to keep it in the garage all winter almost 5 years ago and now that my plan has fizzled, I need it for the winter. Snow tires help but is not a cure all. I am still getting used to driving it in the snow so I can't report a whole lot other than the All Seasons I have are worthless in any form of snow. Its suppose to snow tomorrow so I am lucky that I can use my wife's car which is a Honda Accord. It runs good on All Seasons, has a good heater and warms up fast. It can handle the winter up to a point. Once the snow gets up past 8 inches its a little difficult to drive.

I took the 8 to the carwash on Wednesday and then it snowed Thursday last week and it messed up the wash job pretty good, so on Friday I took it through the wash again but the touchless variety and not the regular car wash where people are there to hand dry it off with towels and stuff. I really don't like seeing the car really dirty or even a little dirty. I am picky with this car that way I guess.

exsequor 12-23-2008 10:23 AM

I dont see how the 8 is that bad in winter minus the fact that it's so pretty.

DarthRX8 12-23-2008 11:43 AM

^Same here. My 8 is my DD and I have to drive slow and be cautious but it really is not bad driving in the snow IMO.

The RX8 might not have the best traction to get going but who really needs to drive fast in the snow. No matter what you drive you will still have trouble slowing down and will have to drive slow anyway.

Is the 8 perfect for snow, no. But for the COlorado Springs snow it works good for me. Except that I to hate to see my baby dirty.

exsequor 12-24-2008 04:36 PM

well put. same here but I guess on the plus she looks THAT much better when its sunny and she's nice and clean.

Wish my luck on my trip to California on the 27th. I shouldn't need any, but it'll be my first long road trip in the rotary.

DarthRX8 12-26-2008 10:49 PM

^Good luck and have fun. I am from So CAL originally (Palm Desert)...

Tayninh 12-29-2008 09:44 PM

wow So Cal from Denver. I took a long trip in mine to Wisconsin and regretted it. The sports suspension isnt nice with dips and bumps on the express ways. It did well though but I did learn to keep using the high test gas. When I tried to shift down in octane the gas mileage suffered a good bit so it was back to the the right oct. I'm driving it to work for the next two days. My worst car to drive in snow was my 70 Chevelle. What a terriable rear wheel car it was too. It fish tailed all over. It was embarassing when Ford police car followed me for awhile while I tried to keep the car straight. I bet they were back there getting a good laugh.

What I am afraid of and so fear is the fact that when I am on icy street and at a red light that the car will not move but go sideways trying to get up a small hill while others around me with front wheel drive leave me as the car just spins tires and can't get anywhere. So far its been good. Close one time though. I just didn't like the car going slightly towards to curb on ice without much control but as long as it went slow it was able to keep moving. Now with ice just about any vehicle has trouble driving and stopping.

huzer21 12-30-2008 09:38 AM

I drove from Denver to KC last fall and had no issues at all with my little road trip. it was fun!

Sidenote, while in Costco over the weekend, I decided to get a price on new tires (just replacement tires, not summer tires) and was quoted $250 EACH for Michelin All-Seasons. Guess I won't be getting my tires at Costco!!

Tayninh 01-03-2009 03:14 PM

I'm surprised Costco charged that high for Michelins. I have all season Miches on my Accord. It hurt buying them but at the time is was the best.

Let me tell you a true story about Michelin Rubber Company. In Vietnam we operated near rubber plantations owned by Michelin. The company paid protection money to the local VC thuds and when we went in their planatation and had a fire fight with the bad guys, if we destroyed any of their precious rubber trees they would send the bill the local base commander and it was taken out of the platoon leader's salary. They could have cared less about us it was their trees that was important to them. They are French owned by the way. Hmmm, wonder if they charged the French army when they were there before us? With that, a $250 piece for a tire is a bit over the top I think. I plan in the Spring to get the snows off the car and find some black wheels to keep the snows on for winter driving. Of course we have a sports car and the tires for an RX is not main stream and so we pay more for the tires. That's my guess on why they are so pricey.

exsequor 01-08-2009 11:26 AM

Originally Posted by DarthRX8 (Post 2786976)
^Good luck and have fun. I am from So CAL originally (Palm Desert)...

Had a great vacation..I needed it. Ended up spending like 4 days in the valley and like 7 days along the coast. Stayed in frisco, monterey, morro bay, & oceanside. We pretty much just went down 1 from oakland to san diego. I average 21-23 mpg on the way there (I-25 into new mexico then 40 west from Albuquerque)
Had a real safe trip, and tbh with you the rx-8 is an amazing sports car to take on a road trip. It was great! I absolutely loved my performance at sea level..I timed my 0-60 at 7 seconds. Coming back I could definitely feel it start to lack even at like 4k feet. I'm pretty sure I got worse gas mileage coming back. That's to be expected right?

exsequor 01-08-2009 11:28 AM

My 8 loves sea level!

Tayninh 01-08-2009 01:03 PM

Yup Sea level gives most cars better performance times and better gas mileage.
Speaking of gas, what is driving the steep recently increases of 10 to 15 cents per gallon? Opec or the State looking for more road tax revenue? Amazing, when the price gets to be really cheap someone comes along with a plan to raise the price for their pockets no doubt.

JRichter 01-12-2009 11:46 AM

The performance difference I feel when taking my car back to Texas (400' asl) is unbelievable. It usually takes 2 or 3 times of the engine being stopped then restarted before you feel the change (ecu readjusting I guess) so it's almost a back to back comparison - no gradual change. The car feels down right explosive down there. On the other hand, I drove it all the way up Pikes Peak shortly after moving here a couple years ago and it felt as if it had like 40hp approaching the gift shop, lol.

exsequor 01-13-2009 04:34 AM

dude i think i have a freak ATX to be honest with you. I left the gas station in pismo beach and literally squealed my tires for a couple seconds. Pretty normal in a lot of cars but that doesn't happen here in colorado for me and my 8. Also casually timed (along with my cd track time) 0-60 in always better then 8 seconds.

huzer21 01-13-2009 10:02 AM

I think it would be crazier if you DIDN'T notice a difference between sea level (or at least much closer to sea level) and the altitude here.

On a side note, snow tires rock! Haha.

Tayninh 01-26-2009 01:22 PM

How's the roads in the Springs for the RX driver today 1/26/09? So far up here in Centennial, the roads are clear.

DarthRX8 01-26-2009 01:51 PM

Springs roads are good.

Huzer21, how come you aren't on the CMZC anymore? Did something happen?

Tayninh 01-26-2009 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by DarthRX8 (Post 2835792)
Springs roads are good.

Huzer21, how come you aren't on the CMZC anymore? Did something happen?

Roads here are ok. Its pretty cold though. Had to keep the heater switch on #3 with outside air. I think lots of cars are having heat issues at these temps. Tonight it goes to -1 degree. Shucks. I have jury duty tomorrow in Golden. Never had that before ever! So I can only hope the offenders don't want a trial so I can go back to work.

huzer21 01-27-2009 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by DarthRX8 (Post 2835792)
Springs roads are good.

Huzer21, how come you aren't on the CMZC anymore? Did something happen?

To restate the obvious, snow tires make a world of difference, thank you craigslist! Very happy that I put these on the car. Of course, I'm counting the days until nice spring weather. That mid-60's week was quite the tease. At least it gave me some time to slap a coat of wax on my, and my wife's, car.

CMZC? Difference in opinion with other management on the site, so I bowed out. I'm still around, though!

DarthRX8 01-28-2009 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by huzer21 (Post 2838112)
To restate the obvious, snow tires make a world of difference, thank you craigslist! Very happy that I put these on the car. Of course, I'm counting the days until nice spring weather. That mid-60's week was quite the tease. At least it gave me some time to slap a coat of wax on my, and my wife's, car.

CMZC? Difference in opinion with other management on the site, so I bowed out. I'm still around, though!

Thats too bad. Your threads were most useful.

I should be getting my BHR COils and spark plugs on the 2d week of FEB (already paid for and everything). Once I install them I am going to take the 8 to the dyno. :)

Can't wait!!!

Greek Racer 8 01-28-2009 05:13 PM

So if some of you havn't noticed or been on CMZC lately I have a OEM In-dash 6-disc changer for $150. PM me over on CMZC or place a post in the thread if intrested.

Will work with other Mazda models. I have a link in the first post to mazdas accesories wesite so pic the year and model to be sure it will work. Works with all 04-08 RX's.


Originally Posted by DarthRX8 (Post 2839516)
Thats too bad. Your threads were most useful.

I should be getting my BHR COils and spark plugs on the 2d week of FEB (already paid for and everything). Once I install them I am going to take the 8 to the dyno. :)

Can't wait!!!

Darthh how are you getting your BHR coils already. I gotta get in contact with BHR cause I havn't gotten any sort of PM or nothing and have been on the list since last June. Hmmm. Sucks.

Tim!!! Hi my neighbor down the street!

DarthRX8 01-29-2009 09:36 AM

[QUOTE=Darthh how are you getting your BHR coils already. I gotta get in contact with BHR cause I havn't gotten any sort of PM or nothing and have been on the list since last June. Hmmm. Sucks.

Tim!!! Hi my neighbor down the street![/QUOTE]

I dunno. I have been on the list since about Nov (I think?). Once BHR figured out their supply issues I was PM'd by CRH and asked to pay in order to reserve my place on the list. I payed about a week or two ago and should be getting my coils and spark plugs between 9 and 15 Feb.

PM CRH and let him know that you want in. Since he is getting his parts iun bulk now, the wait shouldn't be too long....

Anyway. I let everyone know how the install/ outcome turns out. Can't wait!!!:)

huzer21 01-29-2009 10:12 AM

Jimmy, hi neighbor! DarthRX8, thanks for the compliment on my posts, sometimes I tried to make 'em worthwhile. Ha! Good luck with the coils, it's an easy install. Lemme know if you run into any issues.

DarthRX8 01-29-2009 10:31 AM

To the CO folks you can call me Sterling!

If I need a life line I will let you know. Not sure if there is going to be another group dyno in the near future or not. But I am going after the install regardless. If anyone else would like to come let me know. MTF....

DarthRX8 02-05-2009 11:17 AM

Anyone in the area want to do a Group Dyno day with the 8s (@SR-Tuning)?

I am going to get my 8 dyno'd anyway and wanted to see if people wanted to join. Looking at doing it on a Saturday in early March. If we can get enough it should be pretty cheap.

huzer21 02-06-2009 11:10 AM

I may not re-dyno, as I haven't done anything to the car lately, but I'd be willing to swing by!

DarthRX8 02-06-2009 11:23 AM

I will probably just go myself. It doesn't look there is anyone that wants to show and make it a Group day. No worries... I will post my results when I do it.

shadycrew31 02-06-2009 12:40 PM

Just a friendly hello from So Cal I used to live in lakewood and denver.. I should be visiting out here in May for a friends graduation.. I cant wait to drive around feeling like I have 500 pounds of bricks in my trunk.

Sleepy Buffalo 02-06-2009 01:20 PM

Depending on what day, i would be willing to join in...Not Dyno, no reason, but i wouldn't mind hanging out. The RX is put up for a while but the P5 is running strong for now.

Let me know.

DarthRX8 02-10-2009 03:58 PM

Car show in Colorado Springs in April.

Click the link for details:


huzer21 02-10-2009 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by DarthRX8 (Post 2860862)
Car show in Colorado Springs in April.

Click the link for details:

Gotta be a member there to view the Meets section.

DarthRX8 02-10-2009 04:39 PM

My Bad, here are the details (copy and paste FTW)!

Date /// April 18, 2008
Time /// 12:00PM-4:00PM
Location /// Lot 436 on CU Campus (Corner of 28th St and Colorado)
Spectators /// FREE!!!
Registration /// FREE!!!
Registration Time /// 11:00AM

huzer21 02-10-2009 04:56 PM

Ah, the annual show in Cu Car show in Boulder. Usually a decent turnout, although I've never been.

airstriker2005 02-17-2009 05:48 PM

Hey everyone. Just purchased an 04 RX8 2 weeks ago. Turbo kit is goin in as we speak. I was just wondering if any of you ever get together on a weekend to just drive or if you know of any RX8 get togethers? Im from Colorado Springs and would love to just cruise with a group of RX8's.

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