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-   Mountain Forum (https://www.rx8club.com/mountain-forum-46/)
-   -   Discussion of the Rocky Mountain RX8 Club meet, 6/5/04 & 6/6/04 (https://www.rx8club.com/mountain-forum-46/discussion-rocky-mountain-rx8-club-meet-6-5-04-6-6-04-a-24264/)

Omicron 11-14-2003 07:47 PM

Meet in Colorado?
If you're interested in having an RX-8 meet here in Colorado, stand up and be counted here! Please list potential dates you could do it. I'm thinking Denver or Longmont as the most central location...

JCC 11-18-2003 02:10 PM

I could meet most weekends and locations. Ft. Collins is closer to WY members and Golden could be an alternative for Denver. I know some good places there so am biased ;) I have thought about rejoining the local Miata club but my feelings are we need a rotary club.

Omicron 11-18-2003 10:50 PM

Agreed! So now there is 3 of us interested... you, me, and doccable.

I think the easiest thing to do, eventually, will be to pick a date at random (weekend, of course) then all meet in Longmont at some predetermined location and time. Once everyone is there, we can have a nice *leisurely* (in deference to the winter) drive, um, maybe up to Estes Park via highway 36? Once to our destination we'll go to some restaurant and have lunch. After lunch, we'll all admire each other's cars, then head our separate ways.

What do you think? Be kinda cool to caravan a string of '8s up to Estes.

Anyone else interested???

Buger 11-23-2003 02:41 PM

I'm in Aurora although most of my time is either at work or spending family time since we have a 2 month old. :)

We actually got our first fender bender last night. My wife's cousin was in town with her family who had never seen snow before. They ran into the back of our 2001 Tribute at a stoplight. I feathered my brakes to stop before an intersection with a little bit of sliding. Since they didn't have any experience in snow, their rental car's brakes just locked up and they slid into the back of us. Fortunately everybody was ok. The Tribute took a little damage to the bumper mainly but the rental car was a bit messed up.

Be careful on the roads guys.


Omicron 11-25-2003 11:53 AM

Yah, the roads suck, plus no one seems to know how to drive on the slick stuff. {"Slick roads? Must speed UP and drive MORE aggressively!"} Arg! Idiots! But I've been driving my Grand Cherokee, so it's less of a big deal in that than it would be in my RX-8...

I'm thinking maybe having the meet in the spring. At the rate of response (or lack thereof!) to the meet thus far from my fellow Colorado area members, it'll take at least 4 months before a half dozen people sign up! ;) Think you could get away for 1/2 a day by then Buger?

So far, it looks like the following people might be interested:
-Buger (??)

Other people from the area who have not said they're interested, but may be...


The last couple of guys don't yet have an '8, but as far as I'm concerned, they're welcome to join us. Agreed?

serff 11-25-2003 12:08 PM

Sure, I'm down. I'll go for a ride along to make me want the car even more...;)

If you guys are still looking for good places to go on a drive, let me know. i have a bunch of friends who go on drives like this a lot so they know of good places. I love the drive out of golden up US 6 and last blackhawk/central city and up on 119 and down boulder canyon. that is a fun drive. let me know what you guys decide on.


Omicron 11-26-2003 04:58 PM

Ok, you're in. Our list now looks like:

-Serff (ride along :) )
-Buger (??)

Anyone else? Anyone?.... anyone?... Buger?... anyone...? :D

I think for the first meet we should keep it simple and short to get more participation. If interest grows, and we all have more time to do this, then we'll expand to the longer drives. The way I've planned it so far we should be done in about 4 hours, including to and from the meet place, and thats short enough to make it easier for more people to come. Just my 2 cents, we'll see how it pans out.

Icanrel-8 11-26-2003 06:22 PM

Sorry...uh, I've been away in forgotten password land...

(having 2 little kids who tag-team hours awake crying at night ain't helping...):o :o zzzz

Yes! Count me in on a meet. I would love to be a part of any trip, but I, too, would prefer to spend no more than half a day, at first.

Thanks for including me, I'll help with gas or whatever for whoever is letting me ride along. I might as well get used to buying premium now.

Omicron 11-26-2003 06:29 PM

Ok, you're in too. Our list now looks like:

-Serff (ride along :) )
-Icanrel-8 (ride along :) )
-Buger (??)

Anyone else? Anyone?.... anyone?... Buger?... anyone...? :D

Buger 11-28-2003 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Omicron
I'm thinking maybe having the meet in the spring. At the rate of response (or lack thereof!) to the meet thus far from my fellow Colorado area members, it'll take at least 4 months before a half dozen people sign up! ;) Think you could get away for 1/2 a day by then Buger?
I'm sure I can escape for half a day one day in the spring. :) It would be cool to meet some of the RX-8 owners here since I don't have one yet. Maybe I can ride along with somebody also (and chip in for gas etc)? :)


Omicron 11-28-2003 12:58 PM

Excellent, you're in too. Our list now looks like:

-Serff (ride along :) )
-Icanrel-8 (ride along :) )
-Buger (ride along :) )

Anyone else? Anyone?.... anyone?...

ACTUALLY, can you guys do me a favor? Please keep an eye on the "Location" field of users out in the main forums, and drop me a PM or note here when you notice someone from Colorado or Wyoming. I figure NM is too far away for anyone to join us from there. Hopefully I can drum up some more interest by getting directly in touch with some of these folks... I mean, we've now got 3 RX-8s, 3 drivers, and 3 riders. We need a few more actual CARS, dontcha think? :)

Digisan 11-28-2003 06:18 PM

Maybe you should wait till the weather gets a bit nicer? Could be a while... :(

Omicron 11-28-2003 06:24 PM

D'oh! I forgot about you Digisan, and you and I were the first to start discussing this! Sorry about that!!!

So I gather you'll want to join us? Sure hope so...

Yes, the plan now (unless someone wants to disagree) is to go sometime during the spring - unless we get a batch of REALLY nice weather, and that's hard to plan for.

Our list now looks like:

-Serff (ride along :) )
-Icanrel-8 (ride along :) )
-Buger (ride along :) )

Anyone else? Anyone?.... anyone?...

Sputnik 11-29-2003 11:26 AM

Ya know, now would be a good time to plan a Spring driving/looking-over-cars meet, especially for those who would need to make a trip from Wyoming or Co. Springs or the other side of the divide.

But don't wait until then to have the first meeting because of the weather. Pick some central-ish place like a Fridays or Dennys or such, where we can all meet for a meal on some weekend (in my experience, holidays will be hard to get everybody). That way, we can place faces to a name, and get to know each other much better than we can online, and not worry about the weather (unless the roads are so bad that we shouldn't drive unless we have to). I can tell you from experience, the best way to get a group started from scratch (whether it eventually becomes an officially legally organized club, or whether it remains an informal group of fellow enthusiasts), is to just start with a couple of simple get-togethers, even if only a few of us can make it the first couple of times.


Omicron 11-29-2003 07:54 PM

Sounds like a good idea Sputnik. So I gather you'll be joining us too?

So let's do this... why don't we plan on an informal get together some weekend in early January? We'll plan the longer "drive to a restaurant" outing for sometime in spring.

Please cast your "vote" for what weekend works best for you in January (to get us past the holidays), as well as any you can NOT make for whatever reason. Choices are:

Jan 4-5
Jan 11-12 <= My first choice
Jan 18-99 <= I cannot make this one (my birthday is 1/16)
Jan 25-26 <= My second choice

Let us know what's good for you...

Current attendees are:
-Serff (ride along :) )
-Icanrel-8 (ride along :) )
-Buger (ride along :) )
-Sputnik (ride along :) )

Icanrel-8 11-29-2003 10:21 PM

Weekend of January 17-18 Does not work for me, but at a point close to or before that, I'll probably have an 8 of my own. Oh, yeah!

Otherwise, I'm pretty flexible, so I'll just follow the posts...

Buger 11-30-2003 01:38 AM

Thanks to Omicron for putting all of this together. :)

I'm scheduled to work on Sun and Mon evenings but I can probably take a day off if a date is decided. I'll check at work tomorrow.


Omicron 11-30-2003 02:37 AM

You're welcome :)

So it sounds like weekend 18-19 is out, that leaves...

Jan 4-5
Jan 11-12 <= My first choice
Jan 25-26 <= My second choice

doccable 12-02-2003 03:31 PM

Just about any date is good with me... I am thinking about con tacting the various dealerships in the area, and let them know about the forum, and ask that they pass the URL along to new owners. Maybe this will help!

Omicron 12-02-2003 05:20 PM

Damn good idea Doc!

Rotorite 12-03-2003 11:15 PM

Just my 2 cents.... I stumbled onto this forum searching about the vehicle. I wish the dealer had provided it to me, and I agree with Doccable's idea.

There could be one problem, though. Will dealers be able to stand the thought that potential buyers will be privy to each thread that discusses frankly the negatives, ie HP, oil, flooding, and gripes both legit and petty? And IkeWRX? Just kidding, man, I like hearing you rant...:D

It looks like a few dealer people are members and I thank them for being large enough to stay around to help clarify and bring us insider-type info on these issues. Overall, I get the impression that these folks are working hard on all of the 8's issues.

Cause if I didn't, not only would I NOT hang around the forum, I also wouldn't be about to go and plunk down 30 large on a newly brought to market vehicle. Heck, I once had a 1978 MGB. I've already had sexy car that broke down every week. BTDT

So, to any dealers that read this: the negatives may turn away some buyers, but if you don't care about the true quality of your product, and stand up about problems, you'll not only lose customers, you'll be taking back cars left and right under class-action lawsuits. Treat me like a grown-up, and I'll reward that with my loyalty and trust. Whew! bla, bla, bla...

Icanrel-8 12-03-2003 11:33 PM

P.s. Icanrel-8 just posted the 2 cents thing. I have no idea how I got logged on as Rotorite... I am not using any (other) alias...

Apologies to Rotorite if you exist. OK, so I'm not very tech-y, but if anyone wants to take exception to the post, just blame me. And I'm not from Sacramento, either. Strange...


Omicron 12-03-2003 11:44 PM

I think he said "pass the URL along to new owners" not "potential buyers," which may overcome some of your objections. But point well taken. I just want to figure out a way to get the word out here in CO about the meet... sure would be cool to have 25-50 RX8s show up... :D

Sputnik 12-04-2003 10:51 AM

The fact that there are so many "ride-alongs" might motivate a dealership or salespeople to get involved. There is little for a dealership to gain by working with people who already bought their cars, but if there are alot of potential sales out there...


serff 12-04-2003 09:06 PM

I don't know that I would agree with that. The main advertisement for almost anything is by word of mouth. I'm also an 'honary' member of the colorad lexus club because that is the car i used to be in love with before the rx8 came out. They are sponsered by Kuni Lexus. They have deals where they will give their members like $250 for refering someone to buy a lexus. They have also worked a deal where they get discounts on work done at their shop. They also will install aftermarket parts and they will warrenty the work. Pretty crazy. So i wouldn't say that dealerships don't recognize their oweners adversitement power through word of mouth. I don't know that a Mazda dealership would sponser us, but hey, it would be cool if they would!

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