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-   -   MINNESOTAns where are you? (https://www.rx8club.com/mw-rx-8-forum-31/minnesotans-where-you-45250/)

Groo 11-28-2005 08:39 PM

Hi guys-

I know I'm still one of the new guys around here, but I took the liberty of setting up some forums for us Minnesotans. I think you've all clearly shown with 54 pages in one thread we definitely merit our own board ;-). You can check out the forums here: http://mnrx8club.com. I welcome any feedback, and hope to see you all there! :)

truemagellen 11-28-2005 09:50 PM

sweet, thanks Groo!

truemagellen 11-28-2005 09:51 PM

btw if you want a new version of PHPBB I can get a copy from my friend who runs the indyrx8club

Groo 11-28-2005 10:21 PM

Thanks- it's available on the phpbb.com site, this just happens to be the version my hosting company had readily available and was the easiest for me to install :-). If there is a compelling reason I can go have a look at upgrading, otherwise I'll probably just leave it how it is for a while. Also, it looks like the DNS is taking it's time to propogate, so that link may not work for some of you just yet- if nothing comes up you might try again tomorrow some time.

truemagellen 11-28-2005 10:22 PM

works for me :)

Groo 11-28-2005 10:28 PM

lol the DNS isn't working for me- I had to add an entry in my local hosts file. ohwell!

Iceis8 11-29-2005 01:22 AM

Hey guys havent been able to check in for awhile. (work gets busy for me this time of year) I was pissed i couldnt make the meet awhile back but without the job i cant have the car so thats a no brainer : )

Anyway i visted the new board looks good. (Member Number 4)

Have you kicked around any kinda club logo's? I know we are kinda unoffical but id love to have some type of logo/invite to drop on these 8's i see.

Just some ideas : )

truemagellen 11-29-2005 01:27 AM

lets start a thread i the MNrx8club forum about it :) get some versions up and then vote

BoosTED 11-29-2005 05:46 AM


Crazy Rx-8 Driver 11-29-2005 10:33 PM

oh hell ya. im all up for it! im also a member of mnracing.org when it used to be up and also MNSC.net as well.

wondering if any of you MNsotan's are in those forums as well.

i'll check out he new site soon enough!

truemagellen 11-29-2005 11:08 PM

I'll be on those forums soon :) :)

Speedrx8er 12-01-2005 09:23 PM

Damit I finally got on a live connect computer. ahahah my comp died and my cd drive went bad. arggggggggggg anyways how are you all doing?? hehehe

Question , would any of you know where the negative parking brake wire is located??
there is only one wire I saw connected to the Hand brake and it was not black ehhehee.
Don't want to take a chance until i am sure..

Speedrx8er 12-01-2005 10:11 PM

Also, just about all the temp control are connected to the head unit arggggggggggggg.
Guess i'll have to return the wire harness adapter.


If I splice into the 12 volt ignition /acc
12 volt batt/memory
all the speakers wires

will this work or am I looking at trouble??

truemagellen 12-02-2005 12:39 AM

what are you trying to do?

BoosTED 12-02-2005 03:26 AM

Is your head unit Bose?

From what I have heard the Bose amp receives a balanced signal from the head unit. 99% of aftermarket head units do not send balanced out from thier internal amp. You may have to rewire/ replace speakers too. If that is what you are trying to do.

truemagellen 12-02-2005 09:27 AM

Ted has an avatar! And it is a picture of his dog 'Kibbles' ;)

BoosTED 12-02-2005 10:00 AM

I had to have it with my sunglasses on because your LED's in the front are so bright. :suitdance

fray 12-02-2005 10:40 AM

Is the snow gone yet? I want to go drive my car.. :crying:

On a brighter note, I get my engine rebuild DVD tommarow.. "early" Christmas present.. :bigok:

truemagellen 12-02-2005 10:58 AM

ahhhh Fray just get some winter rims/tires :) :)

fray 12-02-2005 02:05 PM

winter rims/tires arn't the problem.. it's the salt.. I won't let the MN salt touch my baby.. :nono:

...now if someone would buy me a second RX-8 to drive in the winter.. I'd be happy to let the salt touch that one.. :cwm27:

truemagellen 12-02-2005 05:06 PM

my idea is if salt starts to damage the underside I'll just replace the parts :) no big deal :) probably cheaper in the end

besides I;ve switched to stainless steel componenets under the car...slowly I'll have most stainless or aluminum :)

BoosTED 12-03-2005 06:21 AM

Sad thing is salt eats away at aluminum, right Fray?

Stainless is safe though. mmmm Greddy

I stopped to grab the mail last night and when I was coming back around the rear of the car I noticed the exhaust sounded like a transport chopper way off in the distance.

Can't wait to have traction on the road so I can see if I notice as much a difference as the pulleys.

truemagellen 12-03-2005 04:10 PM

sodium eats silver, tarnishes aluminum, accelerates rust in ferrous metals

fray 12-03-2005 06:34 PM

Just got done watching the RE DIY 13B video.. very cool. Starts with a bench full of pieces and at the end of the 4th DVD you have a fully assembled block ready for installation.

The 13B they assemble is a "series 6" (honestly not sure what that means), but it's not a Renesis. I believe it's for a 3rd Gen RX7. However, all of the steps should be the same for almost any 13B.

(I'd previously helped rebuild a 12A..) I learned many things in the video.. like "why did we use a tube and a half of hylomar when the instructions said one tube should be enough for two engine rebuilds.." (hint, don't hylomar the entire engine.. just the corners of the surfaces) :)

Also they point out a lot of good "common" mistakes for newbies. We ran into one of them, and honestly I wonder if we may have put one of the corner seals in backwards after watching this video... oh well.. ;)

Malamore 12-05-2005 08:40 PM

Sputering at 6K
Twice now, both colder days, I started my 8 after sitting for a few hours (it sat at the office all day). It starts fine, idles fine, then after warming up a minute or so, I drive off. It runs fine up to about 6k and starts to sputter like it's not getting fuel or something. It does this whether I'm in gear or not. After a few moments of sputtering it goes away and drives fine. The last time it did this was a weak ago. Anyone have any thoughts? (I'm also going to post this on MNRX8Club.com).

Thanks, Aric.

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