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Speedrx8er 06-28-2008 09:17 PM

Ted, do you still remember on how to do the blinking corners?
I was busy playing the host last time and didn't watch Mark did it.

I'll print out Mark's DIY just in case

Speedrx8er 06-28-2008 09:18 PM

if someone bring soda and ice I can order Pizza from Papa John. Two large should do it( I hope)

C Ya L8r 06-29-2008 06:32 PM

Hi guys I had fun today thanks for everything. Now I just need to get this damn key cut.Mennards wont do it. I tried home depot and ace also. I explained to them I just needed it cut. :icon_no2:

Speedrx8er 06-29-2008 06:53 PM

Who helped you? The old lady would probably be confuse of what you talking about. The youg girl might do it. There is a guy tall and skinny /smoker. He is cool and will do it.

C Ya L8r 06-29-2008 09:49 PM

Some younger guy called his maneger over and he said it will screw up my car. because the new key neded to be programed. :Eyecrazy: Is there anyone I can ask for by name that works days?

zxiong711 06-29-2008 09:54 PM

Sorry I couldn't help ya out in the store. I work outside with the lumber. Only thing they'd let me cut is wood!

BoosTED 06-29-2008 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by C Ya L8r (Post 2530217)
Some younger guy called his maneger over and he said it will screw up my car. because the new key neded to be programed. :Eyecrazy: Is there anyone I can ask for by name that works days?

Did you tell them you have the instructions for programming the key?! :scratchhe

... I saw you on the way back from there. :cool:

Anyone posting pictures of the meet? You can always post them on www.MNrx8club.com now that there is that capability. I didn't bring my camera today. :(

Glad to see everyone that made it out today.

I am currently working on adding an events calendar to the MNRX8club site I think that will help with planning and communications. :yesnod:

Speedrx8er 06-30-2008 12:51 AM

Originally Posted by C Ya L8r (Post 2530217)
Some younger guy called his maneger over and he said it will screw up my car. because the new key neded to be programed. :Eyecrazy: Is there anyone I can ask for by name that works days?

NO I didn't ask for his name but he is not young. He works in that department.
. lol how does cutting a key screw up the car?
they even sales blanks. What you can do is take the blank out and just bring that in. I think seeing the whole thing freaked them out.

Speedrx8er 06-30-2008 12:53 AM

Yes, thank you everyone for showing up. It was a good day.
Next meet should be the go-kart or bowling or Dave and Buster :)

xdj_jdx 06-30-2008 03:25 AM

Hey if you need a key cut come to my home Depot the one off of Boone ave and 694 in Brooklyn park ill cut it for you. I work Mon 130-10 wed 8-5. ask for Jeff im in Lumber but i cut mine there. Sorry i couldnt go to picnic had to work :banghead:

C Ya L8r 06-30-2008 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by 4 years to Supercharge (Post 2530365)
Did you tell them you have the instructions for programming the key?! :scratchhe

... I saw you on the way back from there. :cool:

Anyone posting pictures of the meet?

I told him I was going to program it, but he said they dident want to be responsible if I messed up my car.
I was hoping to catch you guys to see if you know who else might cut my key.
I have some pics from this meet and the last. Ill try and post them up soon.
I got home depot to cut me a blank that they had (#41), but he could not get it to cut my key. It just beeped at him?

Speedrx8er 06-30-2008 09:45 AM

If the machine beep don't continue or else it'll won't be a perfect cut.
Try using your other key.

C Ya L8r 06-30-2008 01:40 PM

O.K. I got the key cut by my aunt at hugo feed mill. now it wont program. I got the fob to work just fine. after I do the first two keys the new one just flashes. :banghead: :banghead: Any tips or tricks?

C Ya L8r 07-01-2008 01:19 PM

got pics? last meet (fudruckers)

C Ya L8r 07-01-2008 01:21 PM

Keller park meet.

BoosTED 07-01-2008 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by C Ya L8r (Post 2531073)
O.K. I got the key cut by my aunt at hugo feed mill. now it wont program. I got the fob to work just fine. after I do the first two keys the new one just flashes. :banghead: :banghead: Any tips or tricks?

Hmmm give me a call I have the flash codes in the shop manual.

MadeULook 07-01-2008 08:58 PM

Ok some of these are really old!

BoosTED 07-01-2008 10:53 PM

Nice pictures you guys! :Eyecrazy:

19868Driver 07-02-2008 11:33 PM

Just ordered Mazport's cooling fan mod, RX8Strakes's fender strakes and stealth rotary accent light... Anyone willing to help install when it arrives? The strakes I can do no problem... it's just the splicing and routing i'm concerned about.

MadeULook 07-03-2008 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by Speedrx8er (Post 2530453)
Yes, thank you everyone for showing up. It was a good day.
Next meet should be the go-kart or bowling or Dave and Buster :)

ProKart jacked their prices up[gas Prices, inflation, who knows!!] $20 for an 8min race, but we could use these 2 for 1.


D&B coupons

Both are in Maple Grove.
Let me know what you guys think.

RCChris 07-07-2008 01:25 PM

I had a red RX8 flash his lights at me on 169 S a couple of days ago...Sorry I didn't slow down to see who it was..... going about 94mph...I was in a BIG hurry...I had a pipe burst in my house and I had to get home ASAP.

BoosTED 07-13-2008 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by C Ya L8r (Post 2531073)
O.K. I got the key cut by my aunt at hugo feed mill. now it wont program. I got the fob to work just fine. after I do the first two keys the new one just flashes. :banghead: :banghead: Any tips or tricks?

Resolved today swapped the flip section. Another happy camper with a switchblade key fob. :)

RX8Kid I have one on the way for you. ;)

ChrisPR has one on the way as well. :)

Speedrx8er 07-17-2008 10:22 PM

OK here we go again. As we all know summer are short and winters are long here in MN. Anyone intersted in a movie night meet???

http://www.valihi.com/ <-- Three MOVIES for a good price. Let me know.

BoosTED 07-17-2008 11:38 PM


Mr. Schmart.... :)

C Ya L8r 07-18-2008 12:06 PM

I went there two weeks ago and saw Hancock, get smart and the hulk. I cant believe how many people sat through all three movies with there cars running. $$$$:Eyecrazy:

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