Mazda's Will Be In The Mountains! A BOTD Replacement For 2009
Mazda's Will Be In The Mountains! A BOTD Replacement For 2009
When: August 14th - 16th (Friday thru Sunday) One day early for long distance travelers is available.
Where: Fontana Village Resort
Who: Coordinated by the Central Virginia Mazda Club but many other Mazda owners from other areas will attend. Open to all Mazda vehicle owners and their family or friends. It would be cool to see a club banner from each different group displayed outside your cabin.
Reserved cabins: We have 11 Laurel cabins reserved that are positioned around a trout pond in the middle of Fontana Village. This will be "Mazda Central" if we all act quickly and reserve our spaces. We have them reserved until July 14th before they are open to the public. They are two bedroom units with one bedroom containing two twin beds. Units are equipped with a kitchen and living room for plenty of space to divide your costs with 2 or 3 other roommates.
There will also be Lodge rooms and one bedroom cabins along Cheoah Way available if you prefer not to be in a two bedroom amongst the masses.
Group room rates: Laurel two bedroom ($109/night), Lodge rooms ($89/night), Willows on Cheoah Way one bedroom cabins ($99/night). Room sharing should be worked out on your own although posting a request on the forum is encouraged. Fontana will not take reservations from three different people for one Laurel cabin. Please decide who will put the cabin on reserve and then coordinate your roommates.
You must ask the operator reserving your room for the Central Virginia Mazda Club event to receive these rates.
We will add a small, optional registration fee later to cover t-shirts, lanyards and such. But for now, get your rooms!
I'll keep a list of attendees:
FRIDAY: Check-in is at 4:00pm for Fontana. I'll be there around noon. We'll have a table in the lodge for Mazda check-in to receive your shirts, lanyards and other stuff.
FRIDAY NIGHT DRIVE: Plan to meet around 6:30 for a quick gathering with a review of the schedule. Then off for an evening drive of the Dragon before dark.
SATURDAY MORNING DRIVE & LUNCH: We'll plan to leave @ 9:00am for the FULL LOOP! This includes the Dragon, lunch @ Tellico Plains and the Cherohala Skyway (4-5 hrs).
SATURDAY CAR SHOW: Depending on the morning drive return time, we'll hold the show around 4:00 or 5:00. Give out awards and take pics.
SUNDAY PHOTO OP: If we can stand it, get over to the Fontana Dam early, around 9:00am, for a group photo. Most of you will hit the road soon after check-out @ 11:00am.
We could have a farewell lunch at the lodge for those that remain.
Where: Fontana Village Resort
Who: Coordinated by the Central Virginia Mazda Club but many other Mazda owners from other areas will attend. Open to all Mazda vehicle owners and their family or friends. It would be cool to see a club banner from each different group displayed outside your cabin.
Reserved cabins: We have 11 Laurel cabins reserved that are positioned around a trout pond in the middle of Fontana Village. This will be "Mazda Central" if we all act quickly and reserve our spaces. We have them reserved until July 14th before they are open to the public. They are two bedroom units with one bedroom containing two twin beds. Units are equipped with a kitchen and living room for plenty of space to divide your costs with 2 or 3 other roommates.
There will also be Lodge rooms and one bedroom cabins along Cheoah Way available if you prefer not to be in a two bedroom amongst the masses.
Group room rates: Laurel two bedroom ($109/night), Lodge rooms ($89/night), Willows on Cheoah Way one bedroom cabins ($99/night). Room sharing should be worked out on your own although posting a request on the forum is encouraged. Fontana will not take reservations from three different people for one Laurel cabin. Please decide who will put the cabin on reserve and then coordinate your roommates.
You must ask the operator reserving your room for the Central Virginia Mazda Club event to receive these rates.
We will add a small, optional registration fee later to cover t-shirts, lanyards and such. But for now, get your rooms!
I'll keep a list of attendees:
- John (VR8/7andan8) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Jackson (Whitey) - Tennessee
- Brandon (brandini) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Patrick (G3tR3DDY2GR3DDY) - N. Carolina
- Brice (Fluid Motorsports) - Florida
- ... (TotalImmortal) - Missouri (working on his boss?)
- Gary (Ski) - N. Carolina
- Janna (pinkflea) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Michael (michaelsk8er) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Dan (blueflameFE) - Tennessee Valley RX-8 Club
- Darby (Ga8rfan) - Tennessee Valley RX-8 Club
- Josh (gr8pmkn) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Scott (addiktedtoboost) - Central Virgiinia Mazda Club
- Alan (armarine) - Central Virginia Mazda Club
- Ken (Acuspeed) -
- Dave (dBaize) - (our token Corvette)
- Lou (coneninja) - Tennessee Valley RX-8 Club
- ...
FRIDAY: Check-in is at 4:00pm for Fontana. I'll be there around noon. We'll have a table in the lodge for Mazda check-in to receive your shirts, lanyards and other stuff.
FRIDAY NIGHT DRIVE: Plan to meet around 6:30 for a quick gathering with a review of the schedule. Then off for an evening drive of the Dragon before dark.
SATURDAY MORNING DRIVE & LUNCH: We'll plan to leave @ 9:00am for the FULL LOOP! This includes the Dragon, lunch @ Tellico Plains and the Cherohala Skyway (4-5 hrs).
SATURDAY CAR SHOW: Depending on the morning drive return time, we'll hold the show around 4:00 or 5:00. Give out awards and take pics.
SUNDAY PHOTO OP: If we can stand it, get over to the Fontana Dam early, around 9:00am, for a group photo. Most of you will hit the road soon after check-out @ 11:00am.
We could have a farewell lunch at the lodge for those that remain.
Last edited by 7andan8; 08-07-2009 at 07:23 AM.
One of these days I'll get my timing right and NOT be due to give birth within a month of this. *sigh*
Maybe next year I'll just drag the entire family down. We had such a great time when we made it the first year.
Maybe next year I'll just drag the entire family down. We had such a great time when we made it the first year.
I'm dragging my family. This will be the first year I'd allow the newly graduated daughter to drive one of the RX-7's down there with us. One week before her college career begins.
Friday bump to get all of you guys reading this for the weekend. We have until July 15th to reserve the cabins before they are released to the general public. Sure would hate to have a family of mini-vans move in our area and mess up the group photo!
Sometimes you get a sign about when it's time to find a new job Immortal! Okay, so I'm kidding. Keep working on them though, maybe you'll get a break in kindness from the boss.
A lot of people I'm talking to are waiting until the last minute to sign up. That's not such a bad thing, they'll have to pay a higher room rate is all. Oh, and I can't get to many goody bags donated from vendors when the list grows sooooo slooowly!
Come on people, it's just a weekend. Make a commitment for gosh sakes!
A lot of people I'm talking to are waiting until the last minute to sign up. That's not such a bad thing, they'll have to pay a higher room rate is all. Oh, and I can't get to many goody bags donated from vendors when the list grows sooooo slooowly!
Come on people, it's just a weekend. Make a commitment for gosh sakes!