Originally Posted by Q-chan
When I had my car new and was on my first commute to DC, I was surprised by a snow storm in New Jersey. The one mile
to the absolute nearest hotel on the stock Potenzas was the most horrifying mile in my whole 36 years of driving experience.
The good experience from that adventure was to see how helpful these little genies, like TCS, DSC and the LSD could be
when everything is going straight south....
to the absolute nearest hotel on the stock Potenzas was the most horrifying mile in my whole 36 years of driving experience.
The good experience from that adventure was to see how helpful these little genies, like TCS, DSC and the LSD could be
when everything is going straight south....
I am driving to London Drugs right now and getting them developed, they should be ready in an hour or so, i'll pick them up and scan 2 or 3 and post them up! I promise! g2g though Pictures will be up soon, possibly tommorow