Rx8 Burnout
Dude I use to have a '04 AT. You cant lol I tryed many times. When I had my 16's I would get some wheel cherp but unless it just rained your not doing any burn outs.
Actually, just smack the brakes and floor the accelerator. Keep changing your foot pressure, and then release the brake's, then repeat keep the accelerator slammed. I don't recommends it tho, we were messing around with my friends car and am sure we fucked something up (02? Corolla). lol
Yeah I'm sure the turbo or super could get the wheels to spin a little.......he could always put it in neutral rev it up to like 5 grand or more then slam it into drive lol that might do it but don't reccommend it at all thats how u get a new tranny but at least then it could b the 6 speed
Actually, just smack the brakes and floor the accelerator. Keep changing your foot pressure, and then release the brake's, then repeat keep the accelerator slammed. I don't recommends it tho, we were messing around with my friends car and am sure we fucked something up (02? Corolla). lol
To OP: tie your car to a tree and floor the gas.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages.
Oh you know in one of the pages in Super Street mag, I seen this thing you can buy that will let you shoot flames out the exhaust and do a smoke screen it has all kinds of stuff in the add like split hood and shat lol
Actually, I've done one in an automatic. It's quite simple:
1) shut off the traction control
2) drive onto a slightly wet surface
3) Hold down brake pedal, then floor the accelerator
4) Gently let up/feather the brakes until the rear wheels begin to spin
5) let up the brakes a bit more to let the car inch forward onto dry
I can do this in a V6 mustang (my favorite rental car for abuse) at will, as well as just about any rear drive shitbox car that I rent.
The trick is just feathering the brakes - you don't want to totally release them or the meager power will allow the tires to hook up and off you go ... you want wheelspin, not motion.
1) shut off the traction control
2) drive onto a slightly wet surface
3) Hold down brake pedal, then floor the accelerator
4) Gently let up/feather the brakes until the rear wheels begin to spin
5) let up the brakes a bit more to let the car inch forward onto dry
I can do this in a V6 mustang (my favorite rental car for abuse) at will, as well as just about any rear drive shitbox car that I rent.
The trick is just feathering the brakes - you don't want to totally release them or the meager power will allow the tires to hook up and off you go ... you want wheelspin, not motion.