My trip to JAPAN *56K Warning*
Originally posted by rey_vibora
Thank you admin. for removing those pictures. I appreciate it.
Thank you admin. for removing those pictures. I appreciate it.
We still want to see the pictures, so if you get a chance to host them somewhere else, let us know.
So Am I in trouble now, I never knew this. I really don't know much about computers. Plus, someone from that site told me it was fine.
Last edited by rey_vibora; 06-17-2004 at 04:36 PM.
Originally posted by rey_vibora
So Am I in trouble now, I never knew this. I really don't know much about computers. Plus, someone from that site told me it was fine.
So Am I in trouble now, I never knew this. I really don't know much about computers. Plus, someone from that site told me it was fine.
Originally posted by Outlaws eXtreme
It's ok, I've been having trouble attaching pix also.. maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tried just attaching the file.. about 100k using the "ATTATCH" thing on the bottom to the post... but my picture still doesn't show up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
It's ok, I've been having trouble attaching pix also.. maybe I'm doing something wrong. I tried just attaching the file.. about 100k using the "ATTATCH" thing on the bottom to the post... but my picture still doesn't show up. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.