are you guys familiar with this website? it seems that the replicas look good, problem is the company is located in malaysia. if anyone has feed back on this company please let me know.
i send them an email as welll yesterday evening, still waiting for a reponse. i'm going to keep looking around the forum to see what the quaility of the products are. i know i'm highly interested in their R3 conversion for the 04-07 models. pure sex!
This is the only person I know of on 8club that has purchased anything from them. He did the R3 front bumper as well.
Ive contacted him as well. It breaks down to this:
Shipping is 750 by boat, 1500 by air. We would need a group buy to make the products even half worth buying.
You can get roughly 4 or 5 fronts and sides in a box, as, much like here, the size of the box it would have to go into is too large, and weight isnt even close to a factor.
Find another 4 people, and it would be worth it.
Shipping is 750 by boat, 1500 by air. We would need a group buy to make the products even half worth buying.
You can get roughly 4 or 5 fronts and sides in a box, as, much like here, the size of the box it would have to go into is too large, and weight isnt even close to a factor.
Find another 4 people, and it would be worth it.
usd. if you can work it out, go for it. i just wanted the re sides.
Im not supprised, a body kit shipped from cali to canada is 400 usd.
I had UPS pickup and drop off at our US location for 23.34 usd.
Find a way, and im in
Im not supprised, a body kit shipped from cali to canada is 400 usd.
I had UPS pickup and drop off at our US location for 23.34 usd.
Find a way, and im in