MintBlue wing?
MintBlue wing?
Anyone seen the mintblue wing.Is it just me or is this the best looking adder for the rear end yet.I like the MS wing but,its a little to big and alot to expensive for what it is.Comments please.
honeslty this is the kit i have been saving up for, for about a month best in my book as in purchasing the whole kit from mint blue.
im glad i bought a black 8, spoiler and hood matches just fine!
im glad i bought a black 8, spoiler and hood matches just fine!
Last edited by xXcfeboXx; 04-04-2004 at 09:26 PM.
FINALLY, thanks for helping me find a wing I like. I love it! My car is gray, so IMO the c/f would look perfect.
Prices w/o shipping (I used a currency coverter, so it can change)...
C/F $515
Fiberglass $363 + filling/prep/paint ($75-$100) = $438-463
So price diff is probably only $52-$77.
My guess is $100 for shipping.
Hmm...little expensive, but I'll fork out the money since I like it so much.
Prices w/o shipping (I used a currency coverter, so it can change)...
C/F $515
Fiberglass $363 + filling/prep/paint ($75-$100) = $438-463
So price diff is probably only $52-$77.
My guess is $100 for shipping.
Hmm...little expensive, but I'll fork out the money since I like it so much.
Originally posted by mikeb
what website can you order it from?
what website can you order it from?
update...if you want this spoiler click on the link below.
Originally posted by Mrs. SHOWOFF
update...if you want this spoiler click on the link below.
update...if you want this spoiler click on the link below.