New Tailights :)
The nice thing about where I live, is it is a tiny island, there are no freeway's there is only one highway in the city. barely any cars on it, if I see a car behind me at night, just change lanes, or tap the brakes to notify the party behind me
i think i would rather just smoke them a little than go that dark ... dont they make a paint that smokes them?? anyone heard of that? i wanna do this but i wanna stay legal. ok not legal just not noticeable to get pulled over for.
Well, it has been raining non-stop all day, I was going to wait until it stopped raining to snap a few, but doesnt look like it is going to let up, so took a few anyways, here you go:
Headlights On:
Brakes On:
Headlights On:
Brakes On:
Posts: n/a
They are a lot darker then mine, they look hot at night time tho. It is weird, some people driving behind me complain they cant see my lights.. but then others say they can be seen perfectly fine.. I think theres too many colour blind people out there.
way too dark. it's so dark that it makes the SHAPE of the lights look bad. i love the 8's lights, and i want to smoke mine too, but party of the appeal is all the design and detail inside ... with it that dark you just see a weird shaped hump in the middle and it looks off...
how did you do it? film or spray?
how did you do it? film or spray?