Replica Mazdaspeed...
Replica Mazdaspeed...
has anyone ACTUALLY had a replica that didn't fit right. All I ever hear is, "about 90% of replicas don't fit properly." and everyone who orders a replica seems to have no problems.
If you have a replica mazdaspeed front bumper can you post a picture or two to show me how it would look. and if you have had a mazdaspeed replica with incorrect fitment can you post pictures of that also?
If you have a replica mazdaspeed front bumper can you post a picture or two to show me how it would look. and if you have had a mazdaspeed replica with incorrect fitment can you post pictures of that also?
You will be much happier with the real bumper. After you buy a replica MS ($400), get it fitted by a body shop ($300), and get it painted ($200).. thats about $900 your looking at. Yes your saving a little money but it will still look like ****.
I got this for straight trade with OEM bumper, fits pretty well, it is urethane, no work has been done to it. Body shop has quoted $200 for sand, prep, paint, clear, prime.
There are some good knock off makers like Shine, but they dont make the MS bumper.
If I were to spend my money, I would buy authentic, because it'll always be a hit or miss with replica fitment, unless you get it off someone and it fits well.
There are some good knock off makers like Shine, but they dont make the MS bumper.
If I were to spend my money, I would buy authentic, because it'll always be a hit or miss with replica fitment, unless you get it off someone and it fits well.
Last edited by imput1234; 02-01-2009 at 11:24 AM.
hey man, its worth going official. :D fiberglass or w.e. else that replica is going to be. it wont be worth it. like stated above. fake+fitment+paint= crap! it would maybe cost you 2 to 3 hundred less then a real bumper.
"GO BIG OR GO HOME" <--- true fact
"if your spending 1000.00 on fake whats a 200 hundred more for a official one"
AND they come with warrenty from factory for any defects for a whole year!! unlike the replica
But the choice is up to you!
"GO BIG OR GO HOME" <--- true fact
"if your spending 1000.00 on fake whats a 200 hundred more for a official one"
AND they come with warrenty from factory for any defects for a whole year!! unlike the replica
But the choice is up to you!
as a person with an aftermarket FRP bumper.......there is ALOT of fitment issues, the shop had to add some fiber to certain parts... but its different than the mazdaspeed bumper. if I was going to get one that looked like the mazdaspeed I would just pay the extra, you WONT like it unless you fork out the dough to get the replica to fit right.
above is also true.. you can easly tell the difference between a knock off and a true mazdaspeed. unless you have never seen the difference in person. idk you might be able to see the difference from pics. but may be hard.
ok I would say if you go mazdaspeed then you might as well get the authentic, if your going replica for sure I would suggest you do some research and find a good replica company like Shine (thats what I did lol).
Anyways if your dead set on getting the mazdaspeed replica you can do alot of the fitment yourself with a dremel and save hundreds of dollars if you have the time. And yes I do believe everyone on this forum that the authentic will look better, but I dont think its worth the extra 500 dollars because I dont really think it looks just that much better. Anyways in the end just do whatever it is that you want and dont let people tell you it will look like **** no matter what and that you are just simply ruining a nice car blah blah...........anyways good luck with the picture hunting.
Anyways if your dead set on getting the mazdaspeed replica you can do alot of the fitment yourself with a dremel and save hundreds of dollars if you have the time. And yes I do believe everyone on this forum that the authentic will look better, but I dont think its worth the extra 500 dollars because I dont really think it looks just that much better. Anyways in the end just do whatever it is that you want and dont let people tell you it will look like **** no matter what and that you are just simply ruining a nice car blah blah...........anyways good luck with the picture hunting.
All the dude wants is pics of replicas not fitting right, not people talking out of their asses. I agree that authentic is usually better but unless you have a pic to show STFU.
Ill take some pictures of my bumper for ya today (promise). Its not an exact replica mazdaspeed, its m-1, or if you have seen the GT bumpers looks like that. VERY similer to the Mazdaspeed but I like it more in the fact that i have a K/N typhoon intake, and there is a ram air duct on the bumper that shoots straight into it. Ill post them around 6 or so before i drop it off at mazda for my tranny replacement.
either way it will give you an IDEA of how aftermarket bumpers fit......and believe me in this, people wont notice cuz it aint htier car, but you as an owner will.
either way it will give you an IDEA of how aftermarket bumpers fit......and believe me in this, people wont notice cuz it aint htier car, but you as an owner will.
well i ahev an authentic kit, and its fits tighter and better then the stock front bumper. the lines are so clean. i have seen replicas in a group and i noticed instanly that there were fakes. im just saying the price differnce isnt insane, just a couple hundred dollars...
Benifits of real mazdapseed..
Gets registered to YOUR car so dealerships will know.
Has one year 12,000 mile warrenty for any issues. (unless physically damage)
And the thought of knowing its a real kit
Benifits of real mazdapseed..
Gets registered to YOUR car so dealerships will know.
Has one year 12,000 mile warrenty for any issues. (unless physically damage)
And the thought of knowing its a real kit
ive seen a horrible fitment on the ms replica. personally i think that if its the mazdaspeed body kit you want then you have to get the real deal, anything else then a replica is fine. but when it comes time im getting a real body kit not a knock off.
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