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-   -   Hymee gets Supercharged (Part 2) (https://www.rx8club.com/series-i-major-horsepower-upgrades-93/hymee-gets-supercharged-part-2-a-36376/)

Hymee 08-12-2004 08:09 AM

Hymee gets Supercharged (Part 2)
OK - This is the real deal, and an announcement I have long been wanting to make. I also hope you have been eager to hear it!

In conjunction with GTP (Guru Tuner Phil), we will be developing a "bolt on" Supercharger Kit for the RX-8. I use the terms "us", "we" and "our" losely below. Some things are mine, some things are GTP's - I'm sure you know what I mean.

I know this will generate a lot of interest, and a lot of "pics please", "show us the dynos" etc. My pledge to you forum members is to povide regular updates with pictures and data as possible. All I can offer now is a picture of the dummy supercharger unit I fabricated to check for sizes etc with GTP inside the engine bay! I might even post that if you really like.

Through this forum, I shall keep you informed as much as possible of the progress. There of course might be some sensitive details that for commercial reasons I will not want to publish, and I hope people will be mature about that. I'm sure you will understand the sort of investment, both in money and time, a project like this requires.

Here is the current plan:
  • I am purchasing a Twin-Screw supercharger for the prototype. Such a positive displacement supercharger delivers near instantaneous boost, which will really help pull the RX-8 out of that low RPM hole you so often feel. I am not going to state the target boost level at this stage. That is what our own research and development is going to be for.
  • The supercharger is of a design that exhibits a very high adiabatic efficiency. Go look that up ;) Much higher than "roots" blowers, and approaching similar levels of efficiency as turbo's.
  • The supercharger is a commercially available unit that has undergone extensive R&D, and has proven reliability. It is of the highest quality design and manufacture I could find.
  • The compressed intake charge will be cooled by a state of the art design water/air intercooler. Mainly, this is to increase the margin of saftey against pinging/detonation which shatters apex seals. Like I said, the heat exchanger components are state of the art, and are even used in V8 Supercars (I saw one such application today at Phil's), although in that useage they are used to cool a different fluid.
  • Initially I wanted to do this without a cooler. But you cannot escape the laws of physics that say no matter how efficient any compressor is, when you compress a gas, it heats up. And Phil knows from practical experience that a rotary engine is much more sensitive to elevated intake temperatures than a piston engine. So the additional costs related to an intercooler are like a safety margin.
  • The standard engine management system will be retained, and controlled via a TSI or similar piggy back (in the 1st instance), or reprogrammed if/when that can be achieved(in the 2nd instance).
  • The 1st prototype will be run on a fully equipped engine dyno and many tests run. This testing will be performed using a fully programmable MOTEC engine managment system. This is so we can have full and absolute control over the testing and data logging process. This will allow us to have the relevant data to be able to "get close" with the required re-mapping of the piggyback ECU/PCM.
  • There is every possibility we will stess test one of our "spare" development to destruction. Unless we do that, we don't know how much the Renesis can take. We loose an engine, you gain from the knowledge we gain though our loss :)
  • The results of our extensive testing will ultimately determine our final "boost". The level of boost on a supercharger of this design is simply controlled by pulley diameter. A lower boost installation could be done with a change in pulley.
  • There is some chance this will require "indestructible" apex seals to be installed. In this case, the motor needs to be cracked. Time and effort will tell.
  • There is some chance a suplementary fuel pump / regulator will be required. Time will tell. Anyway - the stock one needs replacement at the 60k service at a cost of some $600 dollars anyway!
  • We have gained some valuable datalogging on the Renesis, and we are quietly confident that the standard injectors will be able to deliver the power levels we are aiming for. Again, time will tell.
  • A by-pass valve will be incorporated to improve "light-cruise" economy.
  • We still hope to fit the standard engine cover on.
  • With supercharging, the exhaust design is a lot free-er, so we will be able to make a nice set of headers as part of this project. "That is the easy part" to quote GTP.
I have no firm timeline for this development. I only made the final decision this evening after a highly technical and practical meeting with Phil.

When we get the protoype done, I hope it will go into a car I can drive. It will be called install #0. Install #1 is reserved for one of my faithful customers. Kit numbers after that will be reserved on the basis of deposits, I suppose. Let me not get ahead of myself, but at the same time, lets hope it gets that far.

I am really excited about this. Find someone who has committed on this public forum to so much. Find someone who is willing to do the expensive testing on an engine dyno. Find someone who is willing to blow up an engine to find the limits.

This will be a mod that will really kick some serious arse. I am not going to publish target HP or kW figures, but deep down, I believe this is only worth doing if we can get around 100 more useable HP out of it. And don't forget, with positive displacement superchargers, you get that boost across the whole RPM range :D

I hope that wets your collective appetites for now. Note, I have not released the brand names of the components yet. I will. They are the best of breed. I just ordered them :)

And most of you know I don't come into this place and make bold promises. A lot of research has gone into this, and it is not a fly-by night pipe dream. This is not a "I saw a...." or "some magazine said....". This is a case of "Hymee is doing this!". Like I said, I just ordered the parts :)

Let me know what you all reckon! Just remember where you read about it first.

Just to close, I would like to make two quotes from some of my readings...

Originally Posted by Phillip H. Smith - "The Design and Tuning of Competition Engines"
With any positive-displacement, mechanically driven blower, the boost is available immediately, which is important for coming "out of the hole".

Originally Posted by Eldred Norman, Noosa Heads, Queensland Australia. October 1969 "Supercharge!"
As I said at the beginning of this chapter ANY car can be supercharged. If yours seems difficult, just sit down and think. Once you have got it properly supercharged you'll realise that all other forms of 'hotting up' are only a shadow of the real thing


(PS - Eldred Norman's quote probably predates the popular use of Turbochargers. But he is a legend, and I liked that sentence. I don't like lag!)

guy321 08-12-2004 08:15 AM

Do the screws turn the opposite direction down there? :D

This is very exciting!! thanks!!

takahashi 08-12-2004 09:03 AM

It is ABT (about bloody time) and someone creditable to make effort into it and locally!

Exciting. I can sleep now.. thinking there will be a better day.

Can I make a routine comment in this thread.... "I can't wait" :D

monzter 08-12-2004 11:09 AM

Great news...good luck on the project.

futureownr4sure 08-12-2004 01:46 PM

if ever you develop and market one, you'll make lots of $$$.

Hymee 08-12-2004 04:20 PM

I don't believe the "if" is in doubt! But actions will speak louder than postings. :) Thanks for your encouragement.


Lock & Load 08-12-2004 04:39 PM


Guess i will be saving my pennies for this one , hmmm lets see .

NO big
expensive excecutive lunches/dinners for 6 months .

NO expensive joy rides using up lots of fuel .

Stop buying 6 car magazines monthly.

NO more trips to stripp clubs and bordellos :D , This one is the real sacrifice .hmmmm

cut down on drinks


NO more speeding fines .

=== ready to get into a HYMEE / DR PHIL supercharged RX8 .


Possible candidate for install 1 ??? .

Definetely interested .


Hymee 08-12-2004 04:52 PM


#1 is reserved for someone else ;)

But after that...

First let us get the first one running!


Lock & Load 08-12-2004 05:23 PM


Do you /Dr. Phil know if you will need to strenghten the gearbox or the clutch just to be on the save side. ?

It appears to me that you are going for the higher end of the gain scale with your upgrades ???


Hymee 08-12-2004 05:42 PM


Time will tell. I'm not sure about strengthening the clutch as opposed to replacing it. That is not a drama. Plenty of high quality clutches to choose from these days.

Of course we are going to the higher end to start with. How else would we know what can be done. That is all what our R&D will be about. If I only got 20kw for the expense and effort, I wouldn't even start trying.


timbo 08-12-2004 06:49 PM

Exciting news, mate. We wait with baited breath to see progress reports.

LittleJohn 08-12-2004 07:25 PM

I've yet to do any mods to my 8, but have been following the progress of various projects very closely. There have been few times that I've actually felt the need to shellout the $$ for any mods.
But everytime I read threads about Hymee's products, I feel myself reaching for my wallet.

Good luck Hymee, my CC awaits with baited $$ for the your SC, Exhaust & grill kit. I'd like to do everything in one big hit and launch with a bang... well not literally I hope :p

8A8Y 8 08-12-2004 08:42 PM

i definately be interested in one
i been saving up for other things but i guess i have to blow it on the supercharge... lol

Ageo 08-12-2004 09:23 PM

Hymee, now i have a bit of faith. I like a person that doesnt "think" about it working but "knows" its going to work. With that kind of attitude it puts great confidence in all us members that we are just waiting for the finish product and you have my order without a doubt.

Keep up the good work and remember
"when times get tough & they will, success is just around the corner"

fatmarco 08-12-2004 09:27 PM

go hymee!!
we all hope for your success,
because we are all interested in more power.
once you start with this though, where does it
end....clutch,brakes,suspension...carbon fibre roof
it could be the rx8 sp model we were waiting for
to take on the bathurst 24hr!

though, do you think mazda will come out with a sp
supercharged model on their own soon?

Hymee 08-12-2004 10:29 PM

I new I would leave out some little details I meant to mention...
  • The intake track will undergo intensive surgery...
  • We plan to start with the standard CIA, but after there there will be some serious plumbing.
  • The fly-by-wire throttle will be retained.
  • The upper moulded portion of the intake runners will go.
  • Depending on a number of factors, the aluminum cast runners might also go and be replaced with a new casting.
  • A number of bits (adaptors, runners, ducts, etc.) will be designed and new castings made. GTP already has his own designs (twin rotor + more), and gets special castings made for race applications, so this is not something new to us.

That should give you all a little bit more confidence!


arr ex eight 08-12-2004 10:44 PM

will this unit be available to the a/t 8

Lock & Load 08-12-2004 10:49 PM

Mazda will probably bring out their own supercharged RX8 in a few years but as you have seen with the MX5 THEY TURBO CHARGED IT very conservatively compared to the aftermarket Australian turboed one .

iF IT DOES GET HERE The price will probably be around $80,000 +on road , id rather spend between 5-10,000 dollars and do my own car up with a Australian supercharger , with the help of HYMEE AND DR, PHIL . :cool: :D


Hymee 08-12-2004 10:51 PM

Initially only for the 6-port. I think a smaller blower would be better on the A/T - it doesn't rev as much, therfore has less air requirements. I would also be worried about the durability of the transmission - but time will tell. There is also the issue with the 4-port v's 6 port intake track we are mating to. There are a number of physical differences.

But if there was enough demand, who knows!


Gomez 08-12-2004 11:31 PM

The market awaits another proven product from the House of Hymee :) .

Excellent stuff...the quality will not be an issue, the product will be lovingly engineered, the service will be first rate, and the price will be spot-on.

Good work.

Regards, Gomez.

Edit: Note amended sig....

emailists 08-13-2004 12:13 AM

This whole thread is nonsense. No one would really quit going to bordellos just to gain 100HP!

Haddock 08-13-2004 01:39 AM

Hey Hymee/Phil, good luck guys! I'm with a previous poster, if I'm gonna make changes, they're gonna be worthwhile major ones :) See you around!

Wildcard 08-13-2004 10:49 AM


Great news! I have the utmost faith that you and Phil will come through with the goods on this one. Now I wont be able to sleep for the rest of the night! I'm glad to see that you are going for some significant power gains. If you are going to take the risk and go to the trouble of doing this project, you might as well make it worthwhile! Good luck. Time to start saving!


skc 08-14-2004 07:47 PM


This is exciting stuff. I look forward to following your progress as you take on this project. I am sure there will be long nights and many weekends that will go into this development. A project like this requires balls and just by attempting to take this on you have demonstrated that you will be able to carry this through.

Good luck. I look forward to testing the real thing.



Lock & Load 08-15-2004 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by emailists
This whole thread is nonsense. No one would really quit going to bordellos just to gain 100HP!

Hmmm i suppose you are right :rolleyes: but i will put a time limit of halve hour session :cool: instead of the one hour special , a substantial saving :p


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