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-   -   Hymee gets Supercharged (Part 2) (https://www.rx8club.com/series-i-major-horsepower-upgrades-93/hymee-gets-supercharged-part-2-a-36376/)

rotarygod 10-09-2004 03:17 AM

It's not McHymee. It's going to be called Hymee King.

Hymee 10-09-2004 08:07 AM

Oh dear, are you all trying to Enhance my image???


Lets just take one step at a time, hey? To date, no products from the house of Hymee have been DOA or failed in use. The supercharger project though, is a much more massive undertaking. I won't try and forsee how things would work in the circumstances you describe, but I believe most manufactures probably operate in a similar way - return to base. There are other options - like I could include an extra contingency in my pricing to cover such events at no cost to the user. But it would be a cost to the user - the price would be more expensive up front. So there is a lot of thing to think about. For the main component, the blower, I will offer the standard warranty given by Autorotor.

But lets get someting up and running before we jump the gun!


(It is not my signature - anyone can use it!)

Omicron 10-09-2004 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by Hymee
A mistake - What is that ??? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the link. I will study it well.


Pettit made 2 mistakes. First, that they didn't tune the intake correctly and are having idle problems. Secondly, that they are only getting a 50 HP gain on 8 Lbs of boost... which to me, indicates poor tuning.

Aoshi Shinomori 10-09-2004 02:45 PM

Sounds good Hymee. I wasn't predicting failure of your products, you know just hypotheticals. I just wanted to make sure you werent going to send us that plastic thing and then hide away and steal our money. :D No, but seriously I'm sure it will work out fine. But the Hymee King thing sounds cool!

RogueRX8 10-17-2004 10:08 AM


Hows it going on your FI project? This is a reply to a post from another thread (you know which one). :) I would think your starting to get close to maybe plumbing it up by now and would love to see a recent pic when you do get there. I know it will be on a bench to start but it would still be exciting to see it.

davefzr 10-17-2004 12:52 PM

Hymee already said his last update was still current... Meaning, he's at the point of almost being able to dyno and get some hard numbers....

Thats it.

It's only been a week and a half since his last update... If he had more to give then it would be here. He's been awesome about updates.

davefzr 10-17-2004 01:04 PM

Originally Posted by Omicron
Pettit made 2 mistakes. First, that they didn't tune the intake correctly and are having idle problems. Secondly, that they are only getting a 50 HP gain on 8 Lbs of boost... which to me, indicates poor tuning.

Thats what I was wondering. Isnt the formula something like 14hp for every psi of boost? That would at least take it over 100 hp at 8psi....

This must be a dog of a tune if they are only getting 50 and even projecting 50 as their target number...

Richard Paul 10-17-2004 03:00 PM

Geezz guys, you have to spend more time paying attention in class. Didn't rotarygod just give a lecture on not being able to relate HP to manifold pressure. I don't remember which thread it was on but there were all these theorys being put forth about pressure HP gain. Maybe you could just find that battering of nonsense or I'll have RG give it again. You don't want that now do you?

Anyway to make a statment that x psi = so much power added is so unrealistic that it is a non starter. There are so many factors that I can't even begin to list them. It is nessasary to know so many inputs that a mathmatical answer is not going to be forthcoming. I've been looking for that equation for 40 years.

I have set forth most of the math that applys to this topic elsware. Even given all that thinking the only way to know is the dyno. I have someplace a study by Rolls Royce on designing a supercharger for the Merlin. Nowhere short of a moonshot has any more math been applied to something. Then after all that they return to do a paper that justifies the results vs the predictions.

Those are some very serious engineers, probably the best in the world at the time. Considering the point in time (WWll) there was no shortage of budget for the development of the Merlin. True a lot was learned from these well documented developments. We use some of this info to work engines today. Thankfully we have calculators and computers now, I wouldn't have to go back to a sliderule and do what they did.

You must consider that Ricardo said the Merlin was the finest peice of engineering in the world. Well maybe he said one of the finest. But it's in his book someplace. For you young ones Ricardo was the man who wrote the book both figuritively and litteraly (However you spell that.) on "The High Speed Internal Combustion Engine".

His books have been out of print for decades but if you are serious about engines you should try and find and read it. He was truly the genius who made so much progress in the '20's through the '40's. A critical time in it's development. While he worked mostly with aero engine it's all the same stuff.

He has chapters on supercharging and all that relates to it's performance. Now that I'm thinking about it I wonder where my book is. I usually have it handy and I don't see it. If any of you guys stole it bring it back. You did it, didn't you Hymee?
My secret files weren't enough?


davefzr 10-17-2004 07:03 PM

In a perfect world, you'd exactly double your power for every 14.7 psi of boost that you add. In a perfect world, 7 psi added to a car that makes 180 hp would add up to 265 hp. Now take into account losses through the system from exhaust restriction, added intake heat, etc. Do the math on that one! I'll believe 250 rwhp from an originally 180 rwhp car. If the car made 190, just add 10 more or so to the final number.
This was said by RG.. Sorry for not stating the words.. in a perfect world....

We are all in this for information and I do not profess to be an engineer by any means.. but we all want information....

Calm down. geezz

Hymee 10-17-2004 07:17 PM

Everyone is calm here. It is a condition of entry ;)


Richard Paul 10-17-2004 08:13 PM

I'm calm, not upset at all. I even enjoy teaching people things. Makes me feel a life of learning has a meaning. After all I can;t seem to make any money with it.

It is just that I keep seeing all these people who have read to many car magazines. While there is a lot of info in them there is a lot of BS also. You can't be expected to sort it out and I understand that. I even read one artical on supercharging that said 100% efficency would yeild no temp rise. That is free energy and if the guy was awake in high school he would know that. His editor also.

It is very complex to understand the whole three dimentional prosess of how the IC engine works. It is something that you get over years of working at it. You wake up one day and say "hey I see it". On the other hand you don't have to understand the whole thing it's to your credit that you want too.

At the begining of my own thread I went into a lot of math and you might want to reveiw that. I will be happy to answer any questions.

At the moment I am stealing the mic from my buddy Hymee on his own stage, so I'll bow out now.

I'm still loking for my book Hymee. You had that bulge in your shirt. I should have handed you over to the cops when I had the chance.


Hymee 10-17-2004 10:17 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Paul
I'm still loking for my book Hymee. You had that bulge in your shirt. I should have handed you over to the cops when I had the chance.

ROFL! That buldge might have been my gut. But I am working on that. 2.2km swim this morning. It wouldn't have been any other bulges - after all that time on the plane, and being in a totally foreign place, your partner blue-ing with his partner ;) (girlfriend - confusing, hey?? At least you guys speak American. I only speak english). The cops where quite nice, the female one would have been the closest thing to giving me a buldge. Was that LAPD? But I was hot, tired, thirsty and hungry. Thanks for the lunch - that sorted out the heat, hunger and thirst.

OK - that is enough rambling. I don't usually carry on like that.

Who would like some pics of some related, but unrelated work Phil has been doing? You know - like a 20-B cast alloy manifold?


rotarygod 10-17-2004 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Paul
...or I'll have RG give it again. You don't want that now do you?


davefzr 10-18-2004 01:53 AM

I thought you would like that comment :) I am glad we are all calm...

Thankx for the words.

Aoshi Shinomori 10-25-2004 01:02 PM

It's been a week Hymee...WHERE'S OUR UPDATE!?!?!?!
Haha I'm just curious as to how you're making out with everything. Update when you can, our thirst for news needs to be sated. Thanks.

Rasputin 10-26-2004 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Aoshi Shinomori
It's been a week Hymee...WHERE'S OUR UPDATE!?!?!?!
Haha I'm just curious as to how you're making out with everything. Update when you can, our thirst for news needs to be sated. Thanks.

Leave him alone! ;) He's too busy boxing Hymee stuff for me. :D
He should be available again Friday afternoon QLD time...:p

Aoshi Shinomori 10-27-2004 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by Rasputin
Leave him alone! ;) He's too busy boxing Hymee stuff for me. :D
He should be available again Friday afternoon QLD time...:p

Sounds good haha. I was just messing around and really only posted to bump the thread back to the top.

Hymee 11-02-2004 04:34 AM


I have an update of sorts. When you run a motorsport business, you have lots of things on the go. That includes having time off for new borns to come into the world. The last month has been a bit like that, but tomorrow Phil is doing a lot of scheduling planning.

When that is done, I can give a date when we will be booked into the engine dyno.

And also, next week I should be able to post some pics of the test engine be rigged up. Some of the parts etc. wont be final, or in their final place - rather it will be a test mule to ensure it all works. It might not even be with the final water-air intercooler. But it will be something - even including a set of headers. :D

So hopefully your patience (and mine) will pay off, and I can show some cool stuff next week.


Lock & Load 11-02-2004 05:31 AM


I spoke to some people who have worked with Dr phil , and whilst most have said that hes a rotary guru , they did mention that he works at his own pace that being Slow......... :eek: so your patience will be truly put to the test , good luck ;)


Hymee 11-02-2004 03:25 PM


I'm not sure what to make of that comment. It certainly does nothing to add any value to this thread.

I suppose if you have 24 hours a day to get stuff done, you need to work at your own place. I'm glad nothing in this project is getting rushed to suit some artificial deadline. Some other engine builder might leave out a seal or 2, but at least they got it done quick. FFS.

I'm actually amazed at all the work I see him get through. You actually have no idea.

When I rang him on Monday, he was in Sydney, dynoing a race car for a client. At the moment he has a 26B engined race car in the workshop he has to get work done on. Plus all the race cars of regular customers that have to be ready for this months rounds of racing.

Later this week he has some scrutineering work to do as an ANDRA offical, in recognition of his highly regarded experience with electronic engine management systems.

All this while his wife has just had a bub, and he is "on leave" helping out with that as he can.

I am really dissapointed to see such unjustified comments, Lock.


Aoshi Shinomori 11-02-2004 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by Hymee

I have an update of sorts. When you run a motorsport business, you have lots of things on the go. That includes having time off for new borns to come into the world. The last month has been a bit like that, but tomorrow Phil is doing a lot of scheduling planning.

When that is done, I can give a date when we will be booked into the engine dyno.

And also, next week I should be able to post some pics of the test engine be rigged up. Some of the parts etc. wont be final, or in their final place - rather it will be a test mule to ensure it all works. It might not even be with the final water-air intercooler. But it will be something - even including a set of headers. :D

So hopefully your patience (and mine) will pay off, and I can show some cool stuff next week.


Sounds awesome man, I can't wait. I'm glad you're taking your time, a product that is rushed is rarely of any quality, keep up the good work and good luck with the rest of your project.

Lock & Load 11-02-2004 03:38 PM


There was no harm or malice intended with my post , sorry you took it the wrong way , i realize that his workshop has other projects /priorities than supercharging the RX8.

What was ment to be said was that he is thorough in his work and works at his own pace so you and others are going to have to be patient .


Hymee 11-02-2004 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Lock & Load

There was no harm or malice intended with my post , sorry you took it the wrong way , i realize that his workshop has other projects /priorities than supercharging the RX8.

What was ment to be said was that he is thorough in his work and works at his own pace so you and others are going to have to be patient .


Perhaps I took your comments the wrong way. I did 2km swimming thinking about an diplomatic response.

Its all good. At the end of the day, this is going to be awesome!


Hymee 11-02-2004 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by Aoshi Shinomori
Sounds awesome man, I can't wait. I'm glad you're taking your time, a product that is rushed is rarely of any quality, keep up the good work and good luck with the rest of your project.

Thanks Mate,

Do you want to go on the list as well ;)


Aoshi Shinomori 11-02-2004 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by Hymee
Thanks Mate,

Do you want to go on the list as well ;)


List? Not sure what this means. If you are looking for to sign up to purchase it, as of now I have no car. Poor college student saving up. I should have my 8 in the June-ish area, and I am certainly looking into this project. So keep me in mind, but as of now, no list. Thanks Mate. (I love some of these words) Keep doing what you're doing.


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