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Delmeister 09-06-2009 10:29 AM

But the myth about the weld continues.

Look Ray, my car is over six years old. I see no flex in that bracket when I press the pedal. The welds are still intact and there is no sign of stress in the firewall area. All three bolts are tight. It will never fail in the way some have. The only way I can explain those very few percentage of cases where those failures have occurred is that the bolts either loosened or were not properly tightened at the factory.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say they saw a significant improvement for what in actual fact is an insignificant or unnecessary modification......

And the fluid mod -- Although in my opinion it is a more "strengthening" based approach, it is way overkill. And both approaches focus on strengthening an area that should not be put under significant stress in the first place.

Jon316G 09-06-2009 07:35 PM

I'll add my 2 cents on this topic...
The known stress/fracture point against the firewall appears to be caused by the top assembly twisting.
My thought was that this is caused when the pedal is pressed all the way down.

If you look behind the pedal's foot pad you'll see a block (roughly 1" I think) attached to the arm, this is a hard stop for the pedal stroke against the firewall.
If you look at the width of this hard stop against the pedal pad, its less than 1/4 the width of the pad.
So picture this... take a triangle and put a pointed end on the firewall, then take your foot and put it on the other (flat) side of the triangle.
You'll have a difficult time keeping that triangle centered.
Same thing is occurring with the pedal's side-to-side play, the thinner hard stop is hitting the firewall and your wider foot is causing the assembly to twist one side or the other.
This constant twisting over time will weaken the metal and cause a fracture at the top.

This could be why we see this occur more with people who auto-x/track since they are beating the hell out of the pedal.
If the hard stop was a little wider, it'll prevent the assembly from twisting when the pedal is pressed down to the firewall.
I've even noticed that the markings on my firewall where the hard stop hit was at least 1/2" apart (going off of memory) from one mark to the other, so I know that it isn't hitting in the same place repeatedly.

snarlingbeast 09-07-2009 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by Delmeister (Post 3209693)
But the myth about the weld continues.

...my car is over six years old. I see no flex in that bracket when I press the pedal. The welds are still intact and there is no sign of stress in the firewall area. All three bolts are tight. It will never fail in the way some have. The only way I can explain those very few percentage of cases where those failures have occurred is that the bolts either loosened or were not properly tightened at the factory.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say they saw a significant improvement for what in actual fact is an insignificant or unnecessary modification......

And the fluid mod -- Although in my opinion it is a more "strengthening" based approach, it is way overkill. And both approaches focus on strengthening an area that should not be put under significant stress in the first place.

Del, first of all, metal is not a rigid material. It will always flex under load whether you can see it or not. Second, you could have every nut torqued to its maximum on that bracket from day one and it wouldn't save you. Look at the picture in post #567 in this thread. It illustrates how a normal load on the pedal serves to tear the metal right around the nut. The easiest solution is a well-placed seam weld.

nycgps 09-07-2009 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Delmeister (Post 3209693)
But the myth about the weld continues.

Look Ray, my car is over six years old. I see no flex in that bracket when I press the pedal. The welds are still intact and there is no sign of stress in the firewall area. All three bolts are tight. It will never fail in the way some have. The only way I can explain those very few percentage of cases where those failures have occurred is that the bolts either loosened or were not properly tightened at the factory.

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say they saw a significant improvement for what in actual fact is an insignificant or unnecessary modification......

And the fluid mod -- Although in my opinion it is a more "strengthening" based approach, it is way overkill. And both approaches focus on strengthening an area that should not be put under significant stress in the first place.

over six years old, how many miles? and how often do you drive it? how often do you shift? do you drive in the city or ?

Bolt's Torque has nothing to do with this whole bracket snapping issue. take the bracket to any well known welder, first thing they will say is "wtf".

Just wait till yours snap. hope your gears will not be locked + driving on a highway.

syntheticdarkness 09-07-2009 06:34 PM

One good point would be that when the metal was pressed that maybe some came out thinner then others. I have worked in powdered metals and sheet metal companies for years, and when QC kicks into some of the places I worked they said ship'em. We've made brake pedals for Harley and others and they would go out of size and the bosses would say keep it going and if it gets bad then shut it off, which I would adjust the press and sort through the containers getting out all the bad ones, but they would throw them back in saying they are good, which then I would quit my job and go find another.

Regardless though, the bracket is not strong enough and with all the different driving styles of people, some break some don't. I press a little to the right when I shift since I'm 6'1", and my wife pushes sorta straight on since she's short. With that said though pushing a clutch in most of the time regardless is really never straight on. The welds work, fluids bracket works, and the stock bracket fails end of story.

Sorry if I sound like a dick, but to many people are having problems with this, and in my situation when it broke I almost got hit by a damn coal truck with my kids in the back.

nycgps 09-07-2009 06:41 PM

lets just hope the investigation goes well and force Mazda to use better than scrap metals and bare minimum welding point for the clutch bracket.

syntheticdarkness 09-07-2009 06:47 PM

I hear ya on that.

nycgps 10-06-2009 10:31 AM

Please Sticky this post ?

alz0rz 10-06-2009 10:38 AM

This is getting out of hand!! I've read about atleast 4 different people with this problem over the last week or so... come on now.. let's go further.

nycgps 10-06-2009 10:44 AM


They just issued the official statement today. Thank you.

IF you know anybody who had this issue before, rather it was replaced under warranty or not, Report them all to NHTSA. Have a photo of the bracket if possible. if it was fixed under warranty, scan the copy of the invoice, and get ready to send it over to the agent. (PM me for information)

nycgps 10-06-2009 10:45 AM


nycgps 10-06-2009 10:46 AM

Im thinking. Mazda might need a lawsuit before they will do anything.

They should really learn a thing or 2 from Toyota. Its really hard to proof the floor mat caused the accident, and Toyota knows it. but couple million dollars is still much cheaper than any class action lawsuit.

alz0rz 10-06-2009 10:51 AM

Wowww I totallllly missed that.. FINALLY. I'm sure it is WAY more then 40 people.

lepichichi 10-06-2009 11:53 AM

mines broke las weeken again after being replaced by the dealer last year, now my dealer won't replaced it agian. Mazda need to get their shit together wit this issue, see my signature link for my story :)

lepichichi 10-06-2009 12:11 PM

Hey nycgps, thanks for your help i just filled out the nhtsa complaint

nycgps 10-06-2009 12:31 PM

if you have the broken bracket around, you might want to keep it and take a lot of pictures.

If you want I can pm you the agent handling this case, so you can forward him all the pictures of your broken bracket.

chris__n 10-06-2009 04:12 PM

have anyone driving 09's had this issue?

Krazed_Rx8 10-06-2009 05:02 PM

Pretty sure im going to join this club fairly soon. Will try to take pictures asap.

nycgps 10-06-2009 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by chris__n (Post 3264113)
have anyone driving 09's had this issue?

Not yet ------------------------ But I can tell you we have the Same bracket, which is FE05-41-300C

So eventually, it WILL happen to 09+ owners.

Before Mazda willing to do anything about it, we all should pray no one will ever get hurt by this stupid issue ...

UrbanOcho 10-06-2009 05:04 PM

ok so first it's check the floor mats and either pull them back or remove them...now it's the clutch pedal. scary sh1t, people.

nycgps 10-06-2009 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by UrbanOcho (Post 3264204)
ok so first it's check the floor mats and either pull them back or remove them...now it's the clutch pedal. scary sh1t, people.

my floor mat never give me any problem. the hook its doing its job.

SilverEIGHT 10-06-2009 07:05 PM

Floor mat? That's a new one on me. :dunno:

rx2kill 10-06-2009 07:21 PM

My clutch pedal will kinda move a little bit when I press down on it, as if I put one of those cheap crap auto zone pedals over my real one, I hope that isnt the beginning of a snapping clutch pedal.

Frosty288 10-06-2009 07:23 PM

Before my clutch pedal broke, I thought I just sucked at driving stick in the 8', or that the clutch was just not to my liking.

Come to find out the bracket was flexing, and when engaging the clutch pedal it wouldn't engage 'dead-on'. It eventually broke. Reinforced the bent and twisted assembly with the Fluid bracket, and now I don't suck any more! :evil_laug

rx2kill 10-06-2009 07:32 PM

Yea wow that kinda sounds like what Im going thru except I knew I didnt suck and shifting lol

blamerobb 10-06-2009 07:37 PM

just filed a complaint. hopefully this will go somewhere

rx2kill 10-06-2009 07:38 PM

So it looks like I need to take a look at my pedal and see if its bent

jsjjr 10-06-2009 09:38 PM

Mine has started 'intermittent' squeaking.

ASH8 10-06-2009 10:13 PM

Are there any Right Hand Drive Owners ( Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, Japan, Asia) experienced this Clutch Pedal Failure as I have emailed Mazda Australia about the US NHTSA Investigation.

syntheticdarkness 10-07-2009 07:25 AM

Hey nycgps, see if a mod or admin will put a warning up somewhere when you first open the 8 site, or have them send out a mass pm, never hurts to try.

nycgps 10-07-2009 07:55 AM

Im sure some mod/admin has seen the latest development ... sticky this post should be enough ... Right mods ? :)

syntheticdarkness 10-07-2009 08:15 AM

I agree:yesnod:. It's good though to actually be able to read about it being investigated now.

Huey52 10-07-2009 08:44 AM

Well, you now know what's ultimately going to happen, so .....

Originally Posted by jsjjr (Post 3264764)
Mine has started 'intermittent' squeaking.

rx2kill 10-07-2009 02:49 PM

where exactly is the bracket thats breaking, Im not fat by any means,or really that tall, however I dont exactly fit between my seat and floor board very well

Mazurfer 10-07-2009 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by rx2kill (Post 3266195)
where exactly is the bracket thats breaking, Im not fat by any means,or really that tall, however I dont exactly fit between my seat and floor board very well

SEARCH and you will find it. Oh, what the hell...here ya go!


rx2kill 10-07-2009 04:54 PM

alright thanx Maz, ill check again when its not 97 degrees in florida..... Def needa make sure thats not happening tho. Y the hell would they cheap out on 1 outta the 3 pedals

nycgps 10-07-2009 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by rx2kill (Post 3266471)
alright thanx Maz, ill check again when its not 97 degrees in florida..... Def needa make sure thats not happening tho. Y the hell would they cheap out on 1 outta the 3 pedals

To save a few bux

it might not sound like a lot to you, but if you're talking about 40K, every 10 dollars saved = 400 K :) (and its just a rough estimate)

and we all know better material will cost more than 10 bux for every bracket :)

Huey52 10-08-2009 06:21 AM

There's also weight savings to consider. This particular part ought to be stronger, but if they built every part like a tank we'd all complain about the gross vehicle weight [more than we do already]. Design is often compromise.

rx2kill 10-08-2009 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Huey52 (Post 3267472)
There's also weight savings to consider. This particular part ought to be stronger, but if they built every part like a tank we'd all complain about the gross vehicle weight [more than we do already]. Design is often compromise.

I know what ur saying but cant really agree with that seeing as they could have taken a vw beetles amount of weight just outta the exhaust alone w/o comprimising any safety or emissions, thats like sayin u want liposuction to loose a few pounds so also shave off a pound of muscle from ur heart, well anyways hopefully enuf ppl complain and they do a recall

lepichichi 10-09-2009 11:15 AM

Hey guys i met with a manager from Maple shade Mazda and they took pics of the pedal, parts, my car etc and its gonna be forward to mazda headquarters, so hopefully this will go somewhere, my pedal broke twice within a year :( ...by the way the dealer offer to fix it on more time again and i said "no thank you your pedal sux" :)

UrbanOcho 10-09-2009 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by lepichichi (Post 3270074)
Hey guys i met with a manager from Maple shade Mazda and they took pics of the pedal, parts, my car etc and its gonna be forward to mazda headquarters, so hopefully this will go somewhere, my pedal broke twice within a year :( ...by the way the dealer offer to fix it on more time again and i said "no thank you your pedal sux" :)

I am surprised you went back there - but just the same, keep us posted on what you hear from Mazda HQ. We're nowhere near the end of this drama....

lepichichi 10-09-2009 11:34 AM

^^ yeah man i will keep you guys updated, but i think we gonna hear a recall pretty soon :)

alnielsen 10-09-2009 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by ASH8 (Post 3264855)
Are there any Right Hand Drive Owners ( Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, Japan, Asia) experienced this Clutch Pedal Failure as I have emailed Mazda Australia about the US NHTSA Investigation.

I'm wondering what the right hand drive pedal assy. look and how they differ from the left hand drive ones.

Originally Posted by nycgps (Post 3265456)
Im sure some mod/admin has seen the latest development ... sticky this post should be enough ... Right mods ? :)

This thread is about the pedal failures, not about the investigation. The title of this thread wouldn't help people find anything about the investigation if they were looking for it. If a thread would be stickied, it would be one of those and then someone could reference this thread about how they broke.

Shijin-Kun 10-09-2009 11:37 AM

with recalls does it matter how many miles you have on your car?

alnielsen 10-09-2009 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by lepichichi (Post 3270101)
^^ yeah man i will keep you guys updated, but i think we gonna hear a recall pretty soon :)

A recall will take time. Once they agree there is a problem, they will have to design a fix, produce that fix, then work on the logistics of implementing that fix. This will take time.

lepichichi 10-09-2009 11:45 AM

correct on a recall they have to fix the issue reggarless the miles :)

chiketkd 10-09-2009 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by lepichichi (Post 3270074)
my pedal broke twice within a year :(

Wow. Ummm...that's just insane! :SHOCKED:

lepichichi 10-09-2009 08:55 PM

^^ i know they making me feel real fattt

Huey52 10-10-2009 09:59 AM

^ There was nothing wrong with my clutch pedal bracket ('05 @ 22k miles), when I preemptively installed the reinforcement bracing. You guys must really stomp on it to break multiple pedals! :dunno:

rx2kill 10-10-2009 08:06 PM

Originally Posted by Huey52 (Post 3271429)
^ There was nothing wrong with my clutch pedal bracket ('05 @ 22k miles), when I preemptively installed the reinforcement bracing. You guys must really stomp on it to break multiple pedals! :dunno:

To break two in a year, I completely agree, are you that mad when ur shifting

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