Need help!!!!!!
Need help!!!!!!
i have a light on my dash. its in the upper left side of the dash-over by the gas meter. It is orange, it looks like a steering wheel with an exclamation point after it. The car will not start. it will turn over but not start!!! what have i done?! how do i fix it?! PLease help!!!!
i dont know. what does the orange symbol mean? this is my boyfriends car and he is out to sea and i cant find the owners manual to figure it out!!! the symbol is a orange circle with a dot in the center and a line going out from the dot to the bottom left and a line going to the bottom right and then an exclamation point. the battery light is not on. radio and air comes on fine...
Im actually in Kingsland Ga. I sent it in yesterday to Napa! they are only charging 165 including the tow. so i went ahead and sent it in! I tried the 7 seconds of turning time- 3seconds of rest time- then crank her up see if she starts (repeat as necessary). but the battery started to die and so i connected my friends battery in his car to mine and all it would do was spark like crazy! i mean it actually melted the jumper cables....I dont know why. it was really weird. have any of you ever seen that before?? so, least to say- we stopped immediately so we did not fry the battery. But, if you guys know how i could get the battery to stay on, i could have done it myself. Guess a battery charger could have been an option, but would have cost about as much as taking it in. and trust me, haha, i have learned my lesson now and wont let it happen again!! But, just in case it does, how do i get the battery to stay charged when its sparking so badly?? or next time should i just clean the spark plugs, put oil in it and call it a day?? Im sorry im so uneducated about all this- im sure you get this post 50 million times a week! its just its my boyfriend car and hes in the navy and in the middle of the ocean and he did not tell me what to do if this happens!!! Go figure it would happen the day he left!! anyways- thank you guys so much for all the help!!!