Big improvement with the new hardware.
Yeah... it's frustrating when there are hardware or software problems - but hey some things are out of our control.
I am responsible for all the IT issues at work, and sometimes it gets very frustrating when an AMD processor, a fan or Windows OS goes south. All we can do is periodic maintenance, restore from backups and minimize the downtimes. Still, folks complain like we designed it all and it's our fault that the site or ap is not available.
And yeah... I was frustrated too, not being able to log on for those few day.
Thanks for the forum!
Yeah... it's frustrating when there are hardware or software problems - but hey some things are out of our control.
I am responsible for all the IT issues at work, and sometimes it gets very frustrating when an AMD processor, a fan or Windows OS goes south. All we can do is periodic maintenance, restore from backups and minimize the downtimes. Still, folks complain like we designed it all and it's our fault that the site or ap is not available.
And yeah... I was frustrated too, not being able to log on for those few day.
Thanks for the forum!
Big improvement with the new hardware.
Yeah... it's frustrating when there are hardware or software problems - but hey some things are out of our control.
I am responsible for all the IT issues at work, and sometimes it gets very frustrating when an AMD processor, a fan or Windows OS goes south. All we can do is periodic maintenance, restore from backups and minimize the downtimes. Still, folks complain like we designed it all and it's our fault that the site or ap is not available.
And yeah... I was frustrated too, not being able to log on for those few day.
Thanks for the forum!
Yeah... it's frustrating when there are hardware or software problems - but hey some things are out of our control.
I am responsible for all the IT issues at work, and sometimes it gets very frustrating when an AMD processor, a fan or Windows OS goes south. All we can do is periodic maintenance, restore from backups and minimize the downtimes. Still, folks complain like we designed it all and it's our fault that the site or ap is not available.
And yeah... I was frustrated too, not being able to log on for those few day.
Thanks for the forum!
Our servers have been very reliable and when there is an issue, it's a 24/7 response and downtimes are virtually nonexistent.
Our users tend to get most upset when they can't get to Ebay or their favorite forum. Oh... during lunch time and breaks only of course.