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09Factor 10-28-2007 02:49 AM

So..... I saw Brians pics. How was the drive?

RCCAZ 1 10-29-2007 01:31 PM

For those who didn't make it, you missed a great day. Six cars (RX-4, One Gen 1, Two Gen 3s and Two RX-8s) made the drive. Got caught behind some slow traffic heading up through Skull Valley into Prescott, but the post-lunch drive back down 89A was well worth the trip. The first 10 miles South of Prescott was traffic free and Sans police, so needless to say we were having FUN!!

Sorry for the lack of pics, but I had both hands on the WHEEL. Both Tom (Walling) and I were impressed by Karl's driving in that little copper Gen 1. I think if we had gotten out of his way he would have driven right past us. Again, great trip that thanks to everyone who made it out! Happy Halloween...

MazdaManiac 10-29-2007 01:47 PM

It was excellent.
Now I have to figure out why I have so much oversteer.

Easy_E1 10-29-2007 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by MazdaManiac (Post 2117469)
It was excellent.
Now I have to figure out why I have so much oversteer.

Could be to much power. NOT!:dunno:

uwhahn 10-29-2007 03:25 PM

Some more Skull Valley pics...







chickenwafer 10-29-2007 03:50 PM

sorry I couldn't make it- I totally spaced. I had some stuff going on Saturday anyways but if I would have remember about this I would have gone.

rotaryman25 10-29-2007 09:07 PM

I had a Blast on this drive!! Cant wait to do it again!

rednecks_r_us 10-29-2007 09:30 PM

Sheesh you all came up to see me in Prescott??? LOL I was working the mud bogs at the Prescott Valley Raceway.

That is always a fun run. Glad you had fun on White Spar.

RCCAZ 1 10-29-2007 10:52 PM


Caught up with a Shinka that was NOT with our group on the Carefree Hwy just before we merged onto I-17. Never was able to get around them to wave, but I'm sure they saw the pack of us behind them. I think Maniac may have went around them once we split off at I-17 and the 101. Jeff, did you get any kind of positive reaction from the Shinka?

poolsidenaz 10-29-2007 10:56 PM

Got Brian's pics, and nice pics above from Uwhahn! It may have been a small drive but I bet it was more fun to keep everyone in a group than the bigger ones 'eh? I got a chance to observe Karl's driving skills on the way home from SevenStockX - he's kickazz! That little 7 just rocks it!

Looks like fun guys. I wish I could've joined you.

Easy_E1 10-31-2007 07:24 AM

Looks like you all had fun. Wish I could have been there.

MazdaManiac 11-01-2007 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by RCCAZ 1 (Post 2118486)

Caught up with a Shinka that was NOT with our group on the Carefree Hwy just before we merged onto I-17. Never was able to get around them to wave, but I'm sure they saw the pack of us behind them. I think Maniac may have went around them once we split off at I-17 and the 101. Jeff, did you get any kind of positive reaction from the Shinka?

I can't say I even noticed him. I don't remember - once I got onto the other side of the 17, I was moving pretty fast.

dozer 11-02-2007 10:45 AM

thats cool.....reminds me of the time we did a cruise from autobacs to laguna, we ended up doing like 90 on pch for like 10seconds, we saw a black 8 that wasnt with us then we caught up to a shinka that wasnt with us either...

BlackRX82006 11-04-2007 02:46 PM

I've been with the forums for a while, but never got involved yet, never thought anything of it. I drove my RX8 up to Jerome for a day, and it's an addicting drive. Keep me posted on upcoming events, PLEASE, after seeing the pictures, and fourms, they sounds pretty fun. Do we ever do the road between Prescott and Jerome? E-mail me or I'll be checking this forum

BlackRX82006 11-06-2007 11:32 AM

Alright, so the next one is this November 18th? That is the run to Tortilla Flats and Picnic? Do I need to bring anything? Will someone call to remind me? New to this whole thing!! And where do we meet??

MazdaManiac 11-06-2007 12:34 PM

This Saturday, November 10th, the members of AZMC are meeting up at the Scottsdale Pavilions at 5pm.
We would love it if the RCCAZ folks would come hang out with us.
Obviously, there are a few of us that are affiliated with both clubs, so there are already some RCCAZ members that are signed up to go, but I'd like to see more rotary cars!
The weather will be perfect, no doubt!

BlackRX82006 11-07-2007 01:06 AM

Man that sucks, I work this weekend. I'm a waiter so Saturday is a money day for me. I'm definitly going on the 18th though, I just don't know where we are meeting, or what time we need to meet there, I sent poolsideaz a message and haven't heard anything back, anyone have any ideas? Also...I need window tint for my car, anyone know a good place with good prices? PM me, I'm sure this is the wrong thread for this

Easy_E1 11-07-2007 05:57 AM

^ Put a post here and perhaps Poolside will see it.


I'll send her a PM also.

09Factor 11-08-2007 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by MazdaManiac (Post 2128733)
This Saturday, November 10th, the members of AZMC are meeting up at the Scottsdale Pavilions at 5pm.
We would love it if the RCCAZ folks would come hang out with us.
Obviously, there are a few of us that are affiliated with both clubs, so there are already some RCCAZ members that are signed up to go, but I'd like to see more rotary cars!
The weather will be perfect, no doubt!

looks like I will have to show up and show off the new radiator!

MazdaManiac 11-08-2007 11:40 AM

'Bout time you came out and did something!
Only 16 more votes to make it to the top!

BlackRX82006 11-09-2007 04:02 AM

Hey who's going to the Turkey Trot? This is my first club drive so I'm pretty excited, hoping there is a big turn-out. Is it casual driving? or having some fun driving?

MazdaManiac 11-09-2007 04:13 AM

That is the 18th. I'll probably do that one, too.

RCCAZ 1 11-09-2007 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by BlackRX82006 (Post 2132972)
Hey who's going to the Turkey Trot? This is my first club drive so I'm pretty excited, hoping there is a big turn-out. Is it casual driving? or having some fun driving?

It's as much fun as we CAN have. Sometimes we get caught behind slow-moving traffic, but if the road is clear we usually turn up the volume :djcelebra

BlackRX82006 11-09-2007 11:41 AM

RCCAZ, that sounds good to me, I'm ready to go. Anyone else running other than MazdaManiac??

swtblnde 11-09-2007 01:03 PM

November 18th Turkey Trot!
Guess we should get a sign up going......


This Saturday, November 7th. RCCAZ has been invited to join the Arizona Mazda Club (AZMC) at the Scottsdale Pavillions for the regular Saturday night car show. Show time is 5 pm. Look for them in the RESERVED section just North of McDonalds.

Then on Sunday, November 18th, we’ll be heading out to Tortilla Flats for our Annual Turkey Trot run. Meet behind the Chevron and Waffle House just North of US 60 and Idaho Road between 9:30 and 10 am. Plan is to travel to The Flats for lunch (space permitting) and head back early in the afternoon. Our annual club picnic has been rescheduled to early 2008, so just come out, enjoy the day, and LETS drive!!


1. RCCAZ 1 - Tim
2. MazdaManiac - Jeff
3. BlackRX82006 -
4. swtblnde - Sue

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