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SevenStock 12 SoCal Caravan

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Old 09-14-2009, 11:24 AM
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^ im a newbie JEDI- please explain
Old 09-14-2009, 11:45 AM
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Zumn: let me find the epic post... gimme a minute.
(it's a FAMOUS SevenStock caravan story)
Old 09-14-2009, 11:46 AM
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I give you the now Infamous Bucket Story:

Originally Posted by Jedi54
The bucket was 2 years ago. Gather around the campfire boys and girls, Uncle Jedi has a story to tell!

So there we are on a fine saturday morning making our annual pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Rotaries (aka SevenSTock) and all is going well. The caravan had over 75 cars in it that year and as we're approaching our exit off the 5 freeway I see it. It's coming RIGHT at me, no remorse, no regard for our finely detailed cars, it's screaming down the freeway with with reckless abandonment, it's a BUCKET!!!
I barely have enough time to process what's about to happen and I YANK the wheel to my right, BARELY avoiding our new found enemy. I hear a strange noise from the side of my car and it's then that I realize that the bucket just barely missed me and knicked my back left tire.

The bucket goes shooting into the air like a rocket with deadly intentions and this time it won't miss its mark.
I watch in my rear view mirror as the bucket bounces directly in front of an RX-8 and SMASHES into it's front bumper and hood. The bucket has completed it's suicide mission and the damage is now done, Wing5 has been hit.

The bucket didn't break anything other then our pride but it did manage to scrape part of the bumper and the front of Wing's hood. I spent almost an hour in the staging area with a clay bar (don't ask why I had one handy) and some wax (again, dont ask) and was able to make most of the scrape marks disappear.

That bucket may have won the battle but we won the war as the SoCal SevenStock caravan lives on!
Old 09-14-2009, 11:53 AM
O' Let's do it.
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omg crazy story
Old 09-14-2009, 12:04 PM
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1. Good thing you didnt have the ADVANS at that time!

2. I bet you WING5's response was "MAYDAY, MAYDAY!!! ATTETIONION JEDI54!! WING5 has been hit!!, I repeat WING5 has been hit!!!!


I remember that from SS last year but I was way in the back (i was a noob at the time) I remember that story!! Im going to save it!

So outta SOCAL the newbies to SS are...

1. REV
5. 07RX8
6. JEDI54
Old 09-14-2009, 12:04 PM
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lmao epic!
Old 09-14-2009, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by ZumnRx8
1. Good thing you didnt have the ADVANS at that time!
ever seen a Jedi Master cry? You would have..

Originally Posted by ZumnRx8
2. I bet you WING5's response was "MAYDAY, MAYDAY!!! ATTETIONION JEDI54!! WING5 has been hit!!, I repeat WING5 has been hit!!!!
Wing5 was jabbering on the radio worse then Maverick after goose died!
Old 09-14-2009, 12:08 PM
That's a lie
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Was it sorta like this? (minus the crash)

Old 09-14-2009, 12:09 PM
O' Let's do it.
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im no newb i went to ss back in middle school lol with my friend george brother in his fc
Old 09-14-2009, 12:11 PM
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^^hahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahha hhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahh haahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahah ahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhaha hhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaaha hhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhah ahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhaha hahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahh ahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhha ahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahah hahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahh ahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahh ahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahah hhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahaha hahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhah ahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaah ahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahha hahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhah ahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhah hahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhh aahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahhhaahahhahhahahhaha
Old 09-14-2009, 12:12 PM
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Originally Posted by mike[piston eater]
im no newb i went to ss back in middle school lol with my friend george brother in his fc
SO you think ur cool now?
Old 09-14-2009, 12:14 PM
O' Let's do it.
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no just not a newb since that day back in 2004 i knew i was gonna get a rotary not to be a fanboi
Old 09-14-2009, 12:20 PM
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^fanboi!!! Im tellin rennny!!!!!
Old 09-14-2009, 12:22 PM
O' Let's do it.
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i was a fanboi back in my initial d days but i love all cars
Old 09-14-2009, 12:25 PM
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Still a FANBOI
Old 09-14-2009, 12:34 PM
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ALMOST at 60 cars!!!

1. Jedi54 - 05 BB RX-8
2. NgoRX8 - 05 BB RX-8
4. Scremn8 - 05 WB RX-8
5. Newcastle - 04 SS RX-8
6. Atilla - 06 SS RX-8
7. J03K1LLARX8 SS RX-8
9. Shadycrew31 - 04 WB RX-8
10. Nikkdizzle 04 VR rx-8
11. Gr8Bullet 07 GG RX-8
12. ZumnRX8 04 WB RX-8
13. FriendlyDaCat 08 AB S2000CR or 05 WB RX-8
14. mike[piston eater] 05 TG rx-8
15. Katiewagg 06 GG RX-8
16. elf - 06 GG RX-8
17. jay_ar1010 05 VR RX-8
18. Trochoidmagic 07 VR rx-8
19. RXPLODE - 08 40TH AE MG RX-8
20. DefinitiveDetour - 04 VR RX-8
21. rev8- (05,WB)
22. Philipchan 04 LY RX-8 (first yellow join in?)
23. 8rotor8 - 05 TG Rx-8
24. Detrich - 05 BB RX-8
25. tiltmode43 - 05 wwp
26. cjkim - 04 TG RX-8 (depending on my job situation @ the time though)
27. Dozer - 04 VR RX-8
28. knight rex - 07 SB RX-8
29. RX_OCHO - 06 VR RX-8
30. xl2ogel2x - 07 GG RX-8
31. Stevo116 - 04 VR (iam in San Diego!)
32. MaRxtin - 04 WB RX-8 =]
33. The Reverend - 04 WB RX-8
34. RivalDrift - 04 SS RX-8
35. R1Cky- 05 VR RX-8
36. Maximus36 - 05 BB RX-8
37. Angelo SE3P - BB RX8
38. deathbatboy- 05 VR
39. ridexseason - 04 SS
40. IzzyRX8- 09' CW
41. MrDexx - 05 BB RX-8 (If I don't get lost, I am a Newbie to Cali!!)
43. RickA[color="Red"]
44. 07rx-8 - 07 RX8
45. 4g63Rotary - 04 VR
46. Daggoth - 07 GG RX8
47. SiLVeRE8 - 05 WWP RX8
48. Red_Fox - 06 BB RX8
49. jrb_dakine (if the kids let me) - 05 VR RX8
50. Tonicart - 08 40th MG RX8
51. photo chick +1 - 04 VR
52. jetstopi +1- 05 WWP RX-8
53. FastRX8 - 04 LY
54. eviltwinkie - 05 SS
55 09RX8R-3 - 09 VR RX8R3
56. 911rn- 07 VR RX-8
57. arr ex eight - 05 SS RX-8
58. thegodfather07 - 07 WWP RX-8
Old 09-14-2009, 12:38 PM
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Mike I made you a shirt if you wanna get it Made for you to wear at SEVENSTOCK


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Old 09-14-2009, 12:39 PM
O' Let's do it.
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i wanna get the bee one and the bleeding rotor one how much are each shirt
Old 09-14-2009, 12:41 PM
Im Sir Earl of Sandwich!
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Lol imma newbie to ss as well!
Old 09-14-2009, 12:41 PM
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PM me mike
Old 09-14-2009, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Gr8Bullet
Lol imma newbie to ss as well!
Great, just what we needed.....another fanboi
Old 09-14-2009, 12:50 PM
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speaking of T-Shirts, make sure you guys buy the OFFICIAL SevenStock T-shirt at the event. The t-shirt sales help to pay for SevenStock so lets make sure to support the event.

Pick up your T-shirt and buy some raffle tickets.
Old 09-14-2009, 01:30 PM
Im Sir Earl of Sandwich!
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Originally Posted by ZumnRx8
Great, just what we needed.....another fanboi

Psssssh I ain't no fanboi!!!! I own a 13b and I'm proud of it!
Old 09-14-2009, 01:33 PM
Im Sir Earl of Sandwich!
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And if you look on the list of the caravan I signed up before you. I waited 4 long years to get my 8. Lol
Old 09-14-2009, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Jedi54
speaking of T-Shirts, make sure you guys buy the OFFICIAL SevenStock T-shirt at the event. The t-shirt sales help to pay for SevenStock so lets make sure to support the event.

Pick up your T-shirt and buy some raffle tickets.
WILL DO CAPTAIN! I dunno why i didnt last year... im a NOOB---- Imma wear like 3 different shirts come SEVENSTOCK. Bleeding rotary heart, 13b, and Rotary Engine shirt.... ROTARY FTW!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Gr8Bullet
Psssssh I ain't no fanboi!!!! I own a 13b and I'm proud of it!
Originally Posted by Gr8Bullet
And if you look on the list of the caravan I signed up before you. I waited 4 long years to get my 8. Lol
I have an 04, i guess i just couldnt wait....LOL!!! Got mine in 05~

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